Response to patton's manifesto.

Day 652, 06:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Well, since patton took the time to critique my manifesto, it wouldn't be right if I didn't return the compliment.

On Health, I'd like to know how you intend to cut waste due to inactivity.
A person can appear very active one week and go completely AWOL the next.
Ian has done a pretty decent job despite that fact.

On the IRC, when I say I'm going to promote something, that means I'll use everything available to me. Articles, adverts, the forums, people on the IRC getting out and promoting it themselves, and eRTÉ.

On the economy, when you say Digits' plan, I hope you're not talking about the trade bloc idea. That had nothing to do with Digits. The subsidies for private companies were my idea originally, the plan in place at present was Digits' version. It was well written at any rate.

On the state companies wages, they were reduced to 4 IEP recently.
Furthermore, reducing them to market levels would put new players at subsistence level, and as a socialist, I refuse to screw our new citizens over like that when we have other options available. They are not productive enough for companies to hire them profitably, so it is the duty of the state to train them.

On the communes, they are only one of the options I'll be exploring.
There is also commercialisation or diversification to consider. As for the time necessary to run them, we have a couple of committed communists in Ireland willing to put in the effort, so I don't think that'll be a problem.

On alliances, I think joining any of the existing ones would be extremely foolish for the foreseeable future. The United States, Canada and EDEN oppose the United Kingdom and PEACE. That puts us on the front line if we join either side. As a small country, the needs of the big countries and countries with high RM regions would outweigh our needs in terms of defence.

The policy of picking our own battles to fight is a good measure better than being pressured into doing things by the US, Romania or Hungary..

On appointing Grainne as MoD, when I asked her to apply for the cabinet if I am elected, she declined as she doesn't like to get involved in politics. I was going to appoint her CoS.
Lucky you for changing her mind.