Quiz the results, the winners

Day 2,391, 07:34 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

21:26 Alphabethis for 30 q3 food ,
21:26 Alphabethis speed question
21:26 Alphabethis fastest win
21:27 Alphabethis if you give more than one answer , the first question of other players prevail

21:28 Alphabethis where are things heavier in the Moon or in the earth ?
21:29 Alphabethis hmmm

21:31 iguy wins

21:33 Alphabethis now one to google
21:33 Alphabethis for 30 q3
21:33 Alphabethis how is the author of "peak coal" ?
21:33 Alphabethis and at the same time
21:33 Alphabethis for 5 q3

kimiyi and adastros (5)

21:34 Alphabethis when did he write it, in what century ?

Adastros wins

21:36 Alphabethis what carbon compound has a structure of 6 atoms of carbon forming a "ring" ?
21:36 Alphabethis and electrons flow "freely" within the ring
21:36 Alphabethis 200 q3

Adastros wins

21:39 Alphabethis for 10q3
21:40 Alphabethis what's the only form of carbon that cannot get oxided in natural world ?

21:41 Alphabethis actually, it's a massive carbon crystal

kimiyimi wins

21:43 Alphabethis who mathematician developed graph theory ? and where did he develop it ?
21:43 Alphabethis for 50 q3

kimiyimi wins
sort from more modified genetically to less modified genetically
rice, wheat, corn

for 10 q3 food, SerFartsalot wins

of course
for 50 q3
what kind of weapon have in common these civilizations : macedonians, swiss, spanish ?
wins (donates to adastros)

for 10 q3
roman antiquity
what dictator was found ploughing ?

no winner

for 200 q3
why did romans invented serif fonts in monuments ?

no winner

for 50 q3
who "invented" roman religion ?

for 40 q3
celtic mythology
who is the equivalent to Odin in celtic mythology ?

Tommiecat wins

what's the meaning of "Decan" and "Punjab" ?
30 q3
MarkTD, wins

well, for 10 q3
what irish galic word is related to the "-an", "-ab" ending ?
( well, I take valid as well, any cymru ( welsh) word as well )

Tommiecat win

for 10 q3
what word is a double superlative of the following ?
super, hyperborea, magister, more
what teams are playing the next supercoup FIFA trophy pretty soon ?

10 q3
who discovered 1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n +1) /2 and where ?

i guy (sic): 30
adastros : 5 + 200 = 205
kimiyimmi: 30 + 10 + 50 = 90
serFartsalot : 10 + 50 (for adastros) + 50 = 110
tommiecat: 40 + 10 + 10 = 60 --> (donated for NHS)
MarkT😨 30