Proposal: Fortification and Defence of our Island

Day 1,098, 05:22 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

This is a 2 part proposal with the aim of fortifying our country, making a full scale invasion like we have just witnessed next to impossible for our enemies. Both parts of this proposal can work independently of one another but can also work together and compliment each other perfectly.

Part 1

Pending an agreement with Canada, allow the region of Shannon to remain in the possession of Canada indefinitely.

What does this do for our Defence?

The very reason Canada are in Shannon at the moment is our defence. As Shannon borders all but one of our regions, Canada can attack any of these home regions that fall into enemy hands and then return them to us by means of Resistance War(cost should be covered by us)

Shannon borders-
-Cork and Kerry
-Northern Ireland

Any future advance into Irish territory would be halted early on and blocked by Canada and it would be highly unlikely that Ireland would ever lose multiple regions like we just have. Canada have a vastly superior ability to defend us than we have ourselves. They are strong and organised militarily themselves as well as having a policy of keeping MPPs with all the superpowers of Eden at all times.

Canada's MPPs

Another reason their MPPs would be hugely relevant for us if they were to stay in Shannon is Canada would only be a 1 zone Moving Ticket away for Irish Soldiers, making it easy for them to participate in a wide range of battle all across the world. It would also ease the pressure on us to always have MPPs ourselves.

There is hardly a region in all of eRepublik more suitable for this type of proposal. My own guess(stress just my own guess) is that we have 10 or less active players currently in the region. Using this site I found just 2 companies in the region both of which had less than 3 employees. Being honest, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this site, but it is common knowledge that the region of Shannon is completely worthless to our economy. So we can turn a worthless region into a very valuable part of our nations Defence by allowing it to remain Canadian.

In eRepublik logic I can see no drawbacks to this. The only thing that would prevent it is stupid real life pride. That should not get in the way of what is the right thing to do for the protection of e-Ireland. A British citizen has already started a Resistance War in the region. Although it is most likely designed as a drain our enemies do NOT want Canada in Shannon. See this article for more info on that Resistance War, Irish Citizens are urged NOT to fight in it.

Part 2

Cork and Kerry, True Capital of Ireland.

The second part of this proposal would mean our economy and our population are focused intensely on the region of Cork and Kerry. This would require 2 initiatives-
1- Urge all Irish GMs intending to start up new companies to do so in the region of Cork and Kerry, promoting this project in the media, on forums, by messaging etc etc.
2- Urge all Irish Citizens to move to the region of Cork and Kerry.

This would basically just be imitating the UK and their policy of doing the same with the region of London. Whether you like the UK or not, you have to give credit where it is due and admit that this stance has made them one of the toughest countries to conquer in the whole game. Losing any other region does not affect their ability to defend themselves as everyone is already in London. When any other region falls they do not have to move players back to a UK region. They also have all of their companies there which means their markets or supplies are not affected any time a region falls. The very same would be true for Ireland under this proposal, but we would have the added benefit of Cork and Kerry being cut off from even being attacked at all* by having Canada positioned in Shannon. Any other Irish region that fell would be temporary and would not cause any disruption to the country in any way. The region of Cork and Kerry already has a high concentration of companies to begin with also.

*We would have to return Connecticut to the USA.

I urge a TD to contact me about getting a discussion going on this soon. From an eRepublik perspective I cannot see why Ireland should not be doing this. If we do take the region of Shannon back we will almost certainly not have the opportunity to do this again as we have no open war with Canada and to do so would be a costly exercise.

Is mise,
Party President of Independent Voices
Supreme Commander of the Irish Citizen Army