Presidential Address Take 2: Japan 2, Hungarians 0

Day 856, 19:06 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

This article was previously removed due to reports that were appealed and found to be lacking. It is reposted here in it's entirety.

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Citizens of eJapan,

It is the primary job of the President to protect his nation.

Let’s review what has happened in eJapan over the past few months. At the end of December/beginning of January a rogue Congressman convinced several other Congressmen to join him in approving citizenships for several Hungarian nationals. Supposedly this plan did not have the support of Hungary itself, however the Hungarian Ambassador to Japan’s involvement (Darshu) would seem to indicate at least complicity on the part of Hungary.

These people were approved for citizenship in order to influence the Presidential elections on January 5th. The ringleader of the Hungarians has admitted as much. He won another Congressional election in January and approved more Hungarian nationals, and then the citizens of eJapan were moved to act. During the February Congressional elections, the National Alliance Party became the rally point for the Hungarian PTOers, they were seeking to run 2-3 candidates from the NAP. Members of several parties banded together to join the Sumo Fitness Club (now Scorpion Clan) party and foil the Hungarian attempts to infiltrate our politics.

Again in March we have been faced with a PTO. This time the Hungarians used themselves, multis, and Russians to boost the membership count of the Desu Workers’ Party in order to secure a top 5 spot and freely run candidates. Again, several parties banded together to try and stop the infiltrators.

During the early afternoon it became clear that we did not have the people to balance this out, and that the United Lolies of Japan party was also under threat of losing top 5 position due to all of the movement. So I put in the call to our allies asking for help. And they responded in the typical spirit of friendship that we have come to rely on. China and Brolliance had agents on standby ready to leap into action, but it was the United States who sent the bulk of the support. We ended up using personnel to boost the membership of the Scorpion Clan and United Lollies of Japan parties and keeping them safely in top 5 positions while the Desu Workers’ Party fell to 6th place.

I would like to thank China, the Brolliance nations, and specifically the United States for their support. This is how allies treat you, with respect and dignity and friendship. Hungary, Russia, and Serbia could stand to learn a thing or 2 from them.

The fight is not over. Today we have 3 identified Russian candidates and we will be fighting to keep them out. And we know that the fight will resume next month. But know this: we will resist. We have allies and we will ask them for support. I saw unity throughout Japan yesterday, united in opposition to the dishonest tactics these usurpers would use to try and subjugate our entire nation.

We may one day lose our nation as we constantly struggle with foreign powers trying to impose their will on us. That will be a sad day for me, when my nation is taken from me. But god dammit, they will have to take it.

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan