Presidential Address March 7th: Why We Fight

Day 838, 20:30 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

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Citizens of eJapan,

This is a special Presidential address I have decided to release in order to try and fully explain why we are deploying to Australia.

We are deploying to Australia and it will be a long term deployment, meaning that we will not be placing an arbitrary time limit on the length of this deployment. We are doing this in anticipation of an upcoming Australian/EDEN offensive against occupied Argentinean occupied South Africa. I want every citizen of eJapan to be fully informed on what is happening and why we are supporting this initiative.

Aeros, noted journalist from the US, released this article yesterday detailing some specifics of an ongoing PTO is South Africa. The “Chans” have PTOd South Africa, at one point using EDEN as a foil to gain advantage in local Congressional elections, and retreated all regions in South Africa to Argentina.

You can read some specific information on the PTO in this article released by Stephen van Joergborg, a member of the PTO group in question, gloating over their victory. The bottom line is this: South Africa has been PTOd, and the PTOers have given control of the country to Argentina in order to gain revenge for harassment they received upon arrival into South Africa from Venezuela. I am actually somewhat sympathetic to this… being a member of the Godzilla Party in eJapan I can understand what months of harassment, name-calling, and rumor-mongering are like. What I cannot abide, both as a citizen and as President of eJapan, are the actions of selling the nation away in some sort of “for the lulz” revenge plot.

What I also will not abide are the actions of Argentina, posturing itself in a threatening position against our trusted friend Australia. I want to talk about our relationship with Sol a bit. We left Sol some months ago due to a dispute with the alliance leadership over their relationship with the Theocratic Regime in South Korea. I fully supported that action and feel that is was warranted, but that is in the past. We abandoned the alliance but we did not abandon our friends in the region and have only sought closer ties within the Asian community. And even now, we have been in talks with Sol about the possibility of rejoining, or some other form of involvement. My point is that, Sol or no Sol, Asian alliance or no Asian alliance, Australia is a friend. We support Australia. And especially in light of PTO attempts all over Asia recently, we will oppose PTOs by any means we are able to. I would hope that if the time came and eJapan was taken hostage by people who wished to destroy our nation, someone would stand up for us.

We will stand up for South Africa and for Australia. That is what this fight is about for us. We will take the path of righteousness and use the strength of our mobile forces as a great sword to lash out at the enemies of freedom around the world. This fight is just as much for our principles in eJapan as it is for the security of our allies.

Gensui Dokomo surveys the forward base in Australia. Our samurai may be rugged, but require the best we can afford them.

Those who cannot deploy for whatever reason, if you wish to donate weapons or money please donate to the True Australians War Fund organization. We will fight for our allies, for eJapan, and for the glory of the Emperor!

ALL MOBILE PERSONNEL in the Japanese Imperial Forces: report to your squad leaders for assignment.

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan

Ten Thousand Years!