President Elect Cerb

Day 1,809, 23:22 Published in USA USA by Candor

The Unity Primaries are over, and the ensuing Unity Popular Election has concluded as well. Cerb is your chosen President Elect!

Here’s how we imitated the mechanics of eRepublik elections this Unity Election:

First, all of the parties in the eUnited States nominated, mechanically, candidates for the popular election. This happened exactly as it always does. Cerb won three of the top four parties primary elections, and Joseph Dinero won the remaining primary in We The People, by a vote of 10-9.

Mechanically, only one party can “host” a candidate, and the others become endorsements. The game then mechanically goes down thru the list of parties to find other candidates to fill the four remaining spots shown in the popular election.

Imitating this, Cerb held one place in the popular vote (AMP, with Feds and USWP endorsing), as did Joseph Dinero (WTP, with endorsing), and, going all the way down to the tenth party before finding a candidate other than Cerb nominated, Phoenix Quinn (SFP) was pulled in as a third option from that 10th party.

Theoretically, we could have pulled two more from 10th-plus parties to fill out a five spot ballot, but we didn’t.

Now, there are some of you who said the popular vote wasn’t necessary, as with all of the T4 in agreement on Cerb, the election of Cerb was nearly assured. To that I can only respond that not holding the popular vote following the nominations would not have been imitating the mechanics of the game which require a popular election following party nominations.

That additional step was necessary because it exists in the game.

It’s my hope that in the future, as long as a Unity Election is necessary, all parties will continue to hold primaries as they see fit, and put forward the candidates of their choice to a popular election as we did this month.

No not her, but that would be cool too.

With every voice in the nation who wished to participate in the election of our next President heard and accounted for via party primaries and national popular vote, it’s my opinion that we can say with satisfaction that our Unity President has been chosen honorably, and that we have, as a nation, regardless of party affiliation or party rank, equally chosen Cerb for the month of November to be our President.

Please join me in supporting our nations domestic defense, and on November 5th, place our President Elect in the office of The President.

Well done, citizens. Your voice was heard, your vote was counted.

Thanks to Mike Ontry for hours of coding and work! Without his work, this wouldn't have happened at all. Thanks to President Elect Cerb, for wanting, above all else, a legitimate Presidency and every available opportunity for the people to have voice and participation in this months POTUS election. And thanks to Fingerguns, for hours spent planning and discussing the primaries and this popular system.

But mostly, thank you for participating in your parties nomination process, and in this popular election. Every vote cast is a vote for participatory democracy and a stronger eNation.

"I hope everyone with presidential ambitions will seek inclusion in primaries and this poll." ~ Cerb

Dutifully Submitted,