Political Takeovers - Parties, Conclusion (Part 3: PTOing a Party, Ending)

Day 932, 12:04 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

Article 3 of 3 in the PTO series.

Invading a Party

The act of PTOing a party is actually somewhat difficult for anyone except this guy.

But instead of writing an article, I'm going to offer you an interview segment from the great Pizza The Hut. He can PTO parties well, and is going to teach you how. Apologies for the IRC !!;

pthut is Pizza The Hut
SMSG_Serendipitous is myself

Let us begin...

You are the infamous Pizza The Hut, yes?

The legendary hero of liberty and champion of freedom.

Possible reincarnate of Ajay Bruno, Winston L. S. Churchill, and god knows who else?

I have great admiration for those men and they are missed by all.

You remember my last article, yes? PTOing a country? I specifically mentioned you.

Oh yes thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.

Not a problem. Well, my next segment is a background on "How to PTO a party."So if you would like, I'd be glad if you could impart some kind wisdom for those aspiring to commit such an act. You can start at the beginning of the process, and continue until where you are now. I'll be asking a few questions, most likely.

Indeed. One must portray themselves to be a loyal, committed member of said party, befriending and earning the trust of the members, then eventually, barring a cruel PTO by left-wing radical terrorist forces, your Election will likely result in a major landslide. The keys are communication your message and an effective platform, and standing up for Conservative values.

So, you portrayed yourself as a loyal, committed member of the Republican Party? How does one do that?

He was so great even many liberals loved him. We must convert these misguided individuals to our just cause. Praise be to the Reagan.

So have you considered creating a religion based on his conservative beliefs? It could combat Dioism, which is clearly taking precedence in the leftist and authoritarian parties, such as SEES and the APF. Why, President Woxan even declared it the official religion of the USA.

I have received said revelation and you shall hear of the Church of Reagan very soon. It is through these beliefs which give us strength. The Gipper is most Holy. Dioism is most dangerous and if Reagan were alive today he would surely agree that it is an evil force which must be destroyed.

Good, good. Back to PTOs. Winston L. S. Churchill took over one of the largest parties in the eUK, if I remember correctly. He also attempted to install a CP there. Do you intend to do that here?

Ah yes, it was a top secret operation by the eUS Government to undermine the evil British PENIX traitors. This operation was highly classified and known by its codename "Operation English Muffin". In the US I intend to replace the evil tyrannical Dioist regime with one which embraces the free-loving beliefs of Reaganism.

How close are you to accomplishing that goal?

I believe that Reaganism will overtake Dioism and liberty shall be restored by summer's end. We are making excellent progress.

Will you achieve this goal using PTO methods?

Nope. Unlike SEES and its thugs and all its collaborators, we use honest ATO tactics.

Honest ATO tactics? What anti-takeover operations has your party undertaken?

We are working hard with intelligence services to destroy the SEES terrorist organization at this moment.

If I asked Rod Damon, would he back up that claim? To my knowledge, the CIA under Rod Damon handles all ATO operations.

At this point, Pizza The Hut stopped responding. After several attempts to contact and receiving no response, I ended the interview. Presumably, Pizza The Hut has no affiliation with the CIA or Strategic Air Command, which coordinates ATO operations. Additionally, the CIA's official stance is that they do not meddle in eUS affairs. So I imagine he lied about that part.


Well, the PTO series was fun and all. But I'm not sure what to write next. I'll dwell on it; PMs are appreciated 🙂 Thanks for reading!

Peace out.

Ever faithful,


tl,dr series sentence: Parties are a lot more important than you think.