Pizza Radio: A Subjective Review

Day 993, 01:56 Published in USA USA by Candor
Pizza Radio: A subjective review

This weeks Pizza Party Radio pod cast lasted about an hour an a half, 30 minutes less than last week, and no Krems tonight. Pizza was distracted frequently, often reading streaming web commentary as the show was live. He again seemed to lack a clearly formatted outline as to how the show would go, or bullet points to lead his commentary. He had some technical difficulties at one point, something about an overheating computer.

There were maybe eight or nine callers that he put on air, with various degrees of success, but I took away these three as the most entertaining (again, it’s a subjective review):


Congressman Custer called in. Custer is a guy who, true to his real life historical character, charges head on into battle. In this game, battles are often fought with words. Imagine Custer on a horse with saber in hand, and you’ll be able to visualize his radio appearance. He’s entertaining to read, equally entertaining to listen to. His general concerns tonight seemed to revolve around SEES, power holders, and the man keeping us all down.

Tonight we also discovered that he really is F-Bomb Custer. I had to shoo my kids out of the room while his segment was on. Actually, that kept me mildly distracted during this part; kept having to turn down the speaker.


Some random blog-radio lady called in, thinking the title of the show, “Pizza Chat” or some such thing, was in reference to a café-style chat. I think her name may have been Sandy, but no matter. Pizza let her chatter awhile, mildly humorous. Doubt she ever knew it was a show about a particular game, the name of which (eRepublik) probably never settled in.


Citizenslave called in (Federalist Party Ambassador to the Republican Party). Pizza and Citizenslave share no love for one another (obvious to the listeners). But the conversation was pretty civil. Pizza tends to talk over people at times, this conversation being no exception. Citizenslave recanted most of the general allegations and perceptions typical to Pizza’s reputation, and Pizza defended against them, calling most allegations lies and distortions, mistruths spoken so often as to have become accepted fact by virtue of their continual retelling. Citizenslave, for his admirable demeanor, hadn’t come prepared to offer specific examples of the allegations, and so the conversation was predictably fruitless. Except that we see Citizenslave has a civil composure on radio, and Pizza has a tendency to talk over guests. At least he didn't hang up on CS as he did Krems last week.


Pizza didn’t do the final minutes of “open rants” that he allowed last week, a disappointment. That was amusing last show. Maybe he’ll bring it back.

A few uncomfortable laughs (tonight the clueless random lady caller), I enjoy hearing the words of our citizens live (Custer and Citizenslave), and the chemistry brought on by Pizza’s controversial nature means were always expecting the next angry caller. And while I don’t think Pizza is going for comical, he has the natural real life composure of something akin to the combined characters Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute on The Office. He kind of fumbles along, trying to be serious, trying to handle the switchboard, attempting to screen callers, trying to read and react to streaming commentary, all at the same time. But the moments of total disorganization of thought and direction make us all feel uncomfortable for him.

This week, no one was promised citizenship live on air. Really, that's it. The end.


Historical Pizza The Hut context

Pizza The Hut is controversial. He’s disliked by a significant number of people for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which are serious accusations of treason and conspiring with Hungarians (which he refutes and denies). He also has a following of some consequence, twice having won Congressional elections, and once bringing a 3rd rate party all the way to a 5th place position in the party rankings, ostensibly through many hours of PMing newer players, before being PTO’d by a national effort to reduce his power in game.

Recently, he held a live radio gold giveaway funded by a controversial donation he received from a dying player, which earned him a Media Mogul medal.

The current President says Pizza doesn’t get his power from multi’s (though this has been a regular and prevailing accusation), but from strategic PM’s to new players. Pizza says he is not an enemy of the nation, and says he has operated no more than 4 accounts at one time (“multis”, which if true would constitute a serious game offense), and in different nations. He admits that he once had an account known as Ajay Bruno. Old players often refer to Pizza the Hut as “Ajay”, a nod to that previous, and now banned, account.

Pizza The Hut has been declared an Enemy of the State by Intelligence (CIA) and Customs organizations (IES/CTF). The accumulated national intelligence remains mostly confidential on the topic of Pizza, though at times various government officials have released portions for public consumption.

Pizza continues to disagree with the validity of the accusations.
