Personal Political Musings for Connecticut: And Oh So Sensitive Colorado

Day 550, 19:55 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

As a party president, I have the honor of serving my party by best trying to get as many of my party members prepared and ready to get into congress. Because of the time and effort put into this, I do not have all the proper time I would usually have to run for myself.

I receive about 30-40 pms in a day, which require sometimes upwards of an hour just to respond to. This is not an excuse, this is me simply saying that my duty and leadership roles in terms of activity are well proven through my duties that I currently have.

You know, I certainly want you to vote off of platforms and ideological views for what you want from your representative... but I hope you also want to choose someone that wants to communicate with you throughout the month. Many people can testify to the fact that I respond promptly and quite fully to whatever I receive.

If I hear from people in Connecticut that they want something-I'll fight for it in congress.

Choose not only an ideology, choose a person, a character. And I hope that my veterancy over my competitors and the time and effort I"ve invested into making the entire eUSA a better place for every eUSA citizen to live and breathe free air in a free land will go far in deciding who you vote for come two days from now.

I wanted to sit down and talk to you one to one, person to person. I wanted to let you know that I'm not after it for the 5 gold, not after it for the fame, I'm after it to serve my country in one more way beyond what I'm already doing. Even while I was out of congress, I popped in to give my two cents here and there.

Secondly, I wanted to mention the race in Colorado between Aang Airbender and Ajay Bruno. While I do represent the same party as Aang (for purposes of clarity), I have talked to Ajay in the irc and I'm sure I'm not the only one that can testify for his blatant slandering and blowing of hot air around. While Aang I think went slightly overboard in his last article-it's hard to take that kind of baseless heat and not say something.

To my knowledge (Ananias correct me if I'm wrong) Ajay Bruno is running without the official endorsement of his own party, or of any party and Aang Airbender has the official endorsement of the AAP and the USWP. While I do not know who else is running in the state-Aang is the incumbent and fought hard for what he believed last term. He faced opposition-tough opposition.

Just because you're not the majority opinion in congress doesn't mean your dumb, unlike some people in congress say. Aang is someone we need to see back in congress. So from a personal level, not just as the Party President of the AAP, I support Aang and will be moving to Colorado to vote for him in two days-losing one vote for myself in Connecticut.

More than myself, I want to see America and those that I serve succeed. That's the kind of dedication I have for this country. It's the kind of dedication I'll have for Connecticut, too.

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President