PEACE GC collapsing? Caution Needed.

Day 724, 08:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

As we all know, it is looking like PEACE GC is collapsing, with tensions within the alliance high and the departure of Indonesia.

Certain people in Ireland have taken this as encouragement that we should jump on the EDEN bandwagon, either because they want to see PEACE GC destroyed or they fear PEACE reprisals for hosting the EDEN games.

These people are completely lacking in foresight.

If PEACE GC collapses, what will that mean for the world?
EDEN hegemony, with no strong opposition capable of standing up to EDEN.

What will that mean?
Unbridled imperialism that would warm the heart of the most hardcore PEACE GC imperialist.

Ireland must maintain a completely independent foreign policy status.
This does not mean neutrality necessarily, but it does mean we don't get dragged into supporting regimes that we don't want to support via the large alliances.

Ireland must develop a full state-controlled military-industrial complex, something that seems to have been ignored recently. This will help increase the deterrence factor involved.

These policies are necessary to insure the independence and survival of the Irish state.
Lastly, I'd like you to read an article by former South African President Ines Schumacher, which comments upon their own PEACE vs EDEN dilemma:

Brian Boru,
Supposed Communist.