On the brink of a trophy!

Day 1,707, 21:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

It started when I was trying to learn what was what. I went to my own page and there were all these pale grey ghost trophies... gee, I wonder what they're for?

There's one on the bottom row for mercenaries. Simple, really - you just have to get 25 kills for each of 50 different countries. Not every country is on the list, so I painstakingly copied the names of each eligible country onto a spreadsheet. Somehow it didn't look quite so easy when I saw it in that format!

So I picked a country. Can't remember which one I started with, probably the UK. After all, one must stand up for one's beloved country!

After about 6 or 7 countries down, I was starting to question my sanity.

I'm now 4 kills off my final, 50th, set of battles. How frustrating to run out of food, with only 4 to go! Had I not fought in Egypt (9 kills) but gone to the US instead, I'd be done. Still, it gives me something for which I can look forward - in an hour or so.

Now the big question in my mind, notwithstanding my still questioning my sanity in taking on this project, is... what do I get besides the trophy? Is there another level, where I have to fight for every country, or fight for 50 all over again? (If so, don't count on me doing it anytime soon, I'm so over being a mercenary!)

It was fun, though...


It's over. All 50. Done. Trophy on the shelf.

And what comes next? Why, go for 50 all over again!

Well, it WAS fun....