Newspaper of the Month(June 2013)

Day 2,052, 10:35 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
Newspaper of the Month(June 2013)

Yes the tittle says it...

Here i will highlight one of the newspapers that are to be commended for there work or at least for the effort they try to do.
I will give a short summary describing that paper and why this one was chosen.
And if possible(if the newspaper-owner agrees to it) i'll give a very...very short interview with its creator.

The newspaper is:

eL1Te News
Owner/editor: el1temkd
Most recent article: PTO talks (part 1)

His Newspaper is most notable for his Media projects such as:
- "eBelgian Media Mogul Project"
- "ePulitzer Price"
There are also other things like:
- eBelgian Song Contest - First Edition
- diverse political matters(government, election candidacy, random)
- DBK Almanac

Interview with newspaper owner/editor:

Question: Could you tell me why you started this newspaper?
Answer: It was a long time ago, so I don't remember the reason of creating "el1te news", but I suppose I wanted to be (because I still want to be) good journalist.
I am Graduated Philologist of General and Comparative Literature IRL, therefore creative writing is not problem at all for me, only (you can all see that) my real problem is my not-so-good English, but I'm trying to improve!

Question: How do you feel about the negative comments on your articles? Does it effect your articles you write after that?
Answer: Once upon a time, when I wasn't eBelegian yet I wrote one article which was presentation of the Congressmen with all the things they did in the past, and I've provided lots of screenshots as proof to all of my statements.
After the publishing of that article, I became really famous, because the article had more than 500 comments, gathered more than 1000 votes (reached top 5 internationally), and I managed to get my first and only Media Mogul Medal.

But there were not only positive comments! And because of the negative ones, it happened another great thing to me: few months later, I was annoyed of the actions of some of the people that started to hate me for publishing the truth and decided to change the country, so - I came in eBelgium!
Coming here was one of the best things that ever happened to me, so I guess the negative comments only effect me doing great things after.

About the articles that I write after those negative comments - no I don't think they affect them anyhow.
In the comments, whether positive or negative, I see only creative force that keeps me writing still.
They are my power, because if I have comments, I know I reached to some people somehow, and that's one of my goals.

Question: What are your future plans for your newspaper?
Answer: I will continue publishing mostly articles with political connotation.
I have one idea on my mind of creating series of entertaining articles, but I need more free time to converse that idea into reality. Don't want to speak much about that, let it be surprise!

Question: Anything else you wish to share here? Last words, advice or promoting something...
Answer: I want to thank you for choosing my newspaper as the newspaper of the month.
I didn't expected this, because in eBelgium there are such a great journalists.
Also, once upon a time I organized similar award called ePulitzer Price for the best article monthly - in the beginning of each month I gathered money through donations, and in the end of the month I gave the money to one article (of ten nominated) which the ePulitzer Price Academy thought it's the best one (they voted for each article by giving points 1-10).

Because ePulitzer Price doesn't exists anymore, I consider this award as my first ePulitzer Price!
And I am really happy for holding this price in my hands.

Would like to tell all eBelgians to read! Don't stop to read - reading our newspapers cannot harm any of you, it can only make you more informed, and of course - wiser. 😛

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Secretary of Media & FUN
