New unit in military scene of eNigeria

Day 2,650, 10:04 Published in Nigeria United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


After pretty long break of not write anything,and since coming here in eNigeria,I"ve decided as editor and Director of "The NIGERIAN GUARDIAN"-newspaper to write some article.As usual tonight article will contain news from political
scene of eNigeria.To tell the thruth nothing hasn"t been changed,currently it"s happening war with Uruguay who are try to wipe eNigeria and pretty much successeded,but not for long as currently eNigerian Goverment and CP of Nigeria Kalif Batan trying to retake regions by starting RW-s and tiring Uruguay to give up from wiping eNigeria.Thankfully to the current Goverment and the leadership of the country led by Country President of eNigeria succsseded to regain the Nigerian regions from Uruguay in order to have a Congress in upcoming days.

There had been rummers about PTOing of eNigeria from certain group of people which led them by Juve Leo who were Portuguesse CP,and during his term there were empty Treasury and Portugal National Bank and soon enough come accussations of thieft and criminal acts while being Portugal CP.He tried the same here and still trying to make criminal acts here in eNigeria by PTOing of this country.Unfortunatelly for him he didn"t successeded and current Goverment prevented that in time.Enough of him,let"s continue with other news,shall we 😉.

As the header of this article says on the Nigerian military scene is born new military unit in eNigeria defence system-NIGERIAN DEFENCE FORCE.That"s right "NIGERIAN DEFENCE FORCE.
NIGERIAN DEFENCE FORCE will fight for streingth,freedom and for wellbeing of eNigeria for all eNigerians.
NDF will fight against PTOing and PTOers and wont ever support it such people or their criminal acts.NDF will democraticly and with diplomatic means,fighting for wealth,prosperious and strong eNigeria.

Today eNigeria is too weak to respond on every AS or on NE which had been proposed by any enemy country whether it will be Argentina or Uruguay or any other country,but only Nigerian respond will be diplomacy and diplomatic negotiations with certain country in order to avoid war with that country or even worse to avoid wiping from eWorld.NDF can and will provide any assistance and will follow MoD Orders of every future eNigerian goverment for the benefit of eNigeria,as NDF feel that above all argues,dissagreements have to be the country wellbeing and all eNigerians.

Nigerian Defence Force are for reforms of defence system of eNigerian society for better,stronger and wealth Nigeria.As eNigerians we shouldn"t never be satisfied with current stance,we should fight througth every means that we have for our Nigeria.
NDF are for all eNigerians,whether they are from RL Nigeria or not.We shouldn"t gave up so easly from fighting for our Nigeria and the regions that are in Nigeria.Nigeria should be neutral country as that neutrality no one wont to jeopardize,but we will also support current Goverment on their work for improvent economical,political and military issues for the better living in eNigeria and following MoD Orders.Nigerian Defence Force are for free market,higher prices of weaps,also for rising certain taxes,not all taxes,certain taxes:import tax,WRM for weapons.VAT tax for weaps should be rise,income tax too,but Work tax should have been low.

Nigerian Defonce recruiting all new as well old or experienced and not exoerienced players/citizens to get involved in eNigerian units and to JOIN
NDF to fight for better eNigeria and eNigerians.NDF give free supplies to all eNigerians who join us as we are fine,new Nigerian fighting force and good unit.Let"s fight together.JOIN Nigerian Defence Force TODAY

New members will get:
10 Q7 weapons
100 Q5 food

That"s all for today.Stay tuned eNigeria 😉

The Director and editor of "The NIGERIAN GUARDIAN"
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic