National Shield 2! [Alb/Eng]

Day 2,308, 15:00 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM

Pershendetje miq dhe aleate.
Sic e dini javen qe vjen do te organizohet Turneu i dyte Nderkombetar.

Pak rikujtim nga Turneu i kaluar,eShqiperia u rendit e 36-ta mes 70 eVendeve ne eRepublike.Fale atij pozicioni fituam 1000 gold,fituam nje "Mburoje Mbrojtese" te cilesise Q4,e cila na dha dem ne mbrojtje te territoreve tona,kur ishim te sulmuar nga dikush tjeter.

Pervec cmimeve ne baze te eVendit u dhane edhe cmime individuale,ku shume prej eQytetareve tane fituan force,energy bars,gold dhe bonuse ne qendrat e trajnimit dhe demtim.

eShqiperia arriti te beje 290% te demit te kerkuar ne Turneun e pare,i cili zgjati per 7 dite.

50 lojtaret e renditur te paret ne eVendet e tyre moren edhe dekorata te shtuara ne profilet e tyre.

Ministria e Puneve te Jashtme,se bashke me qeverine e eShqiperise iu ben thirrje te gjithe Shqiptarve ne eBote dhe cdo aleati tonin i cili ka deshir te vije ne ndihme per 7 dite,te aplikoje per nenshtesine e eShqiperise,per ta ndihmuar eVendin tone te fitoje serish cmime kete Turne.

Perse duhet ti bashkohen eShqiptaret kesaj nisme?
-Per ndjenjen e patriotizmit,krenarise se kombit qe perfaqeson,te jape dhe ai kontibutin e tij kete Turne,qe te renditemi sa me lart te mundemi,duke fituar cmime edhe me te medha.
Perse duhet ti bashkohen aleatet tone eShqiperise per kete Turne?
-Per te ndihmuar nje eVend mik,nje eVend aleat,i cili ka deshiren e mire te renditet ne mes me te mireve,duke lene gjurmet e tij ne eBote,ne kete Turne.

Te gjithe do jene te mirpritur.
Ju faleminderit,
Me respekt,qeveria e eShqiperise!

Hello friends and allies.
As you know next week will start the 2nd "National Shield"

Let see together some history about the 1st National Shield,eAlbania ranked the 36-th between 70 eCountries in eRepublic.Thank to that position eAlbania claimed 1000 gold and a "Defence Shield" Q4,which gave to us damage to protect our regions,when others attacked us.

Besides these prices,there were other individuals prices,where lot of our eCitiziens gain strength,energy bars,golds,bonuss in their training grounds and more damage made in battles.

eAlbanian did 290% of the requesting damage on that Tournment,which lasted 7 days.

The top50 players in all eCountries took badges on their profile.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the eAlbanian Government call all Albanians in eWorld and every ally which want to help us for 7 days,to apply for eAlbanian citizenship,and we can win together more prices in this new tournment.

Why all eAlbanians should join us?
-For their feelings of patriotism,their pride of the nation they represent,and give their contribute in this new tournment,winning together higher prices.

Why our allies should join to eAlbania for this tournment?
-To help a friend,to help an ally,which has his best intention to be ranked among the best,leaving their trace in this eWorld,in this tournment.

Everyone will be welcome!

Thank you very much,eAlbanian Gov.