National Meeting; Discussions and Decisions

Day 1,509, 18:42 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by av khan
I have tried my best to summarize the proposals of everyone yet mostly what I have written are my own words and they should not be attributed to any of the people mentioned below except my own which are of course my own 😃 and it is also to be noted that my agreement or otherwise to them is irrelevant as I have just presented everyone's views during the meeting and not my own. For a proposal of mine which wasn't presented during the meeting scroll down.

Today at 3 am erepublik time the national meeting was held in #ePak.meeting on rizon servers. For the complete chat logs of meeting and for further discussion please go here.
While I would give the outline here for the lazy asses.

The main speakers during the meeting were:
kualkerr II The Warrior Poet
raao (current president)
av khan (_Sora_ ; me 😛)
Ahsan Shahbaz
NightLurker (who couldn't speak due to electricity issues)

Almost everyone showed dissatisfaction at the political conditions and PTO threats aimed at ePakistan and

Following proposals were made during the meeting:

1. Kualkerr II The Warrior Poet, proposed the formation of political party which will be administered mainly by military though through democratic means and its purpose will not be to rule but to tweak things around now and then whenever things become messy.

2. President, announced that instead of cabinet there will be a committee this time. All details to be given later on.

Now below is the most valuable contribution, in my opinion, so gentlemen prick your ears clean or should I say poke your eyes clear

3. dodial, divided his proposal in three categories (and boy, am I impressed with his organizational skills).

(i) Political Restructuring
Formation of a council with similar powers and privileges as (old and powerful) House of Lords of British Parliament. (These aren't dodial's words but what I understood from them). Though details about selection or election haven't been decided (these were dodial's words 'It will consist of all proven, experienced, trusted and MATURE players.') and as we don't have a king so it can't be like House of Lords but yeah their basic powers would be like that and a bit more.

(ii) PTO Threats
The only thing worth mentioning here about that from what he said was that we are gonna eff anyone who tries to mess with us and we are ready for it.

(iii) Army Structure

This is the army structure made and proposed by dodial.

8 Regiments designed to handle one battle each. A sheet is being made that will allow brigade commanders to monitor the fighting of their staff and thus bring in a chain of food supply. A central logistics supply unit will supply to regiment commanders they can supply to their brigade commanders who can then supply to the staff with each final commander having no more than 7-8 people to feed, mentor and monitor. The final intention is for each regiment to have enough damage to handle a battle on its own.

He also proposed the system of alternate voting which he has already prepared.

4. I (with my usual kookiness), proposed the formation of political party that is formed and nurtured by the people with total democracy and also proposed that our elections should be more interesting with campaigns and discussion not like (to use kualkerr's words for my statement) "ok i m gonna be president next month so fuck off everyone" while using dodial's alternate voting system for selecting a single candidate from all the interested candidates for the purpose of ATO.

5. Ahsan Shahbaz, announced the formation a committee which will be given the duty of drafting the constitution of ePakistan.

Further discussion on all these things are still on in forums so go there and throw in your 2 pennies for the restructuring of ePakistan. o7

As soon as the discussion end a resolution will be passed to start the work on such proposals as are passed.

Here Ends The official part.

(and umm I am hungry)

There was one proposal which I didn't make during the meeting as it would have been too lengthy to explain it all there. I thought of it about 2 months ago but then due to 1 reason or other couldn't present it. The idea behind it (is what I usually demand from every ePakistani) increased mutual interaction between us all (at least ones living in Pakistan, through this way) and also a potential (great or small, I can't guess yet) for recruitment of new players.

One day I was racking my brains for some idea on recruitment as well retention of new players when something hit my mind.
Cellphone perhaps, is something that is even more common than some necessities of life in Pakistan.

Then I remembered a social cellphone (sms) network which a friend of mine had made me join about 2 years ago but which I had left few days later as I am not at all fond of receiving useless, meaningless messages on my cellphone.

And after great (lol) research I found out its name and after still greater research I succeeded in getting myself all the details of the network and also succeeded in making a group of ePakistan there. So I would like to invite all of you who are in RL-Pakistan to come there and join me.
That will increase our mutual interaction a hundred-folds as we all know that laptops aren't as common in Pakistan, while cell phones are so people can stay in contact even if they can't spend too much time on IRC etc.

Secondly, we can also have chances of recruitment there, as its quite a large network and we could get a lot of people to join in through mutual effort.
You will understand once you join up.
To join:

Just send an SMS with 'Join ePak' written in it to 8002.
Once you receive a confirmation message.
Write 'Name ' (better set your erepublik or IRC name) and send the SMS to 8002.

Then write 'credit' and send it to 8002 again.
This will allow you to send 35 messages at the cost of 1.5 rupees except what it actually costs to send a message to any normal number which as we all know is already pretty cheap.

And finally to send a message to the group, just write 'epak' before the message than write your message and send it to '03124117660'
At any point of time, to stop receiving messages sent to the group temporarily, send 'mute epak' to 8001

Waiting for all of you there and its to be noted that your cell phones numbers won't be revealed to anyone not even me, so need to worry about privacy.
