National Coordinated ATO: You are important.

Day 1,755, 22:09 Published in USA USA by Candor

The country is in a rough spot.

It was once that our nation’s greatest internal threat was a domestic Pizza The Hut taking a Top 5 party and once there filling his Congressional slate with patsies and lapdog noobs. They then would proceed to mess with money transfers, open the borders, and waste our precious impeachment ability.

That game played out a dozen times. He’d build a party, we’d take it down. Like an old “Friends” rerun, the characters remained the same and we had a few laughs. But it did get old; we’d probably have changed the channel were it possible.

Pizza is still around, and, given our other choices, we’d rather be watching him than what’s on the tube today.

Pizza has always been a great national nemesis. Looking back, he’s probably done as much to unify the country at times as many enjoyable international military conquests have. He truly deserves some credit in that role. Would you believe me if I told you that he’s always been on the government payroll for just this purpose? Opps, state secret. Jk.

There’s even tongue in cheek discussions about actually allowing him the Presidency. He’s just so…entwined in our national psyche, our known Joker to the national Batman. We’re almost fond of him as a nation. He plays a role, and we might have been a different nation without him and the challenges he’s brought.

But that was then, this is now.
(anyone else read Judy Blume as a kid?)

Today, the nation sits on the precipice of a catastrophe. We can only long for our old well worn challenges. Today, we are under siege from known enemies and theoretical allies alike. Our parties must be protected; those Congressional spots must be protected.

Our very existence depends on it.

(Naughty PTO'ers being taught a lesson)

How can you help? You, the player of many months or years, you the player of just a few weeks, or even days? What can you do?

You must vote, and you must vote smart. Not for the fellow you like most, or the fellow with the best platform, for that’s a luxury we can hardly afford in these times. But instead vote strategically, in defense of our nation.

The Top 5 parties, who can mechanically place candidates, will be working hard to fill those slots with American patriots. But they’ll need your help too. You should now, today, contact your party President and volunteer to hold a candidates position as a “Blocker”. Then on Election Day you should, selflessly, contact your Federal Elections folks in Rizon IRC #Fec for voting instructions. If you don’t irc, at the very least contact your Party President prior to voting so that your vote is used efficiently in our nation’s defense.

(People with big ears are naturally enemies of the state, as shown above)

If they don’t respond, contact me and I’ll give you relayed voting instructions from irc FEC.

And finally, if you refuse to throw your vote through coordinated ATO operations, at least send it to someone you know very well. Don’t waste it, and do vote.

And in at least a partially shameful plug for my own non-affiliated national snipe group, working within our group will guarantee this election that your vote is used in its maximum capacity and efficiency through a strategic force multiplier known as sniping. This election, with this maximum threat, our snipe group will be cooperating and coordinating with the FEC and CIA and T5 PP's to defend our nation.

As should you. Our game life as we know it depends on it.

Dedicated and trained sniping. Want more information? General Recruitment Information

Dutifully Submitted,