My Presidential Manifesto.

Day 651, 08:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

I thank my party for giving me the great honour of electing me the Presidential candidate for the Irish Socialist Republican Party.

Here is a rundown of my policies:

I will continue to support the State Housing and Gifting Schemes as I stated in my Dáil manifesto.
Keeping our wellness high is essential for our economic and military strength.

New Irish citizens will be encouraged to take part in classes in the Irish University via the New Citizen Message and regular updates by the Minister for Education.

The Community:
I want to get more people on the IRC and engaging with people, as many of the movers and shakers of the Republic communicate there. This would help everyone communicate better, which would lead to a much closer community in general, something that we desperately need in light of recent problems.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I'll be looking to set up a state-backed eFootball league.
I'd like to set up an eGAA league as well, but no software exists for it...

The Economy:
Now that we have our raw materials security down in paper and progressing well in practice, the next logical step in our economic development is to develop our overseas business. However, we have a major problem in that the world is dominated by protectionists. While I believe that protectionism is good to develop a domestic market, ultimately we must opt for free trade.
That time has come.

So, I have prepared a draft treaty for an economic trade bloc between small and medium sized economies in eRepublik. The trade bloc will be centred on four freedoms: Freedom of movement of goods, freedom of movement of capital, freedom of movement of services, and freedom of
movement of labour. The treaty also encourages subsidisation of business to operate abroad.

I will present this treaty to countries that fit the parameters of membership.
I am confident we can gather countries to promote free trade and benefit.

State Companies:
I will be exploring new ways to train our new citizens more cheaply.
We have two options to consider, communes and commercialisation of the existing state company system. I will be exploring both options fully if elected, and will make a decision with the Dáil on which is to be implemented if either.

Ireland must remain non-aligned in matters of military alliances.
However, we must not be afraid to defend countries with whom we have bonds, nor should we fear defending our economic interests with military backing.

I believe that we should look into the possibility of sending picked troops abroad to train, with state backing. Of course, to do that, we'd need to get the opinions of various countries with whom our troops would be fighting, so it may not be possible without worsening relations. It is necessary to look into, as building up a bigger corps of experienced troops is necessary if we're to actually make an impact with our military.

Foreign Affairs:
I will be seeking observer status in PEACE GC and Sol as a statement that we wish to engage more with them. I would seek the same in EDEN and Fortis, but they do not have a formal structure and there are diplomatic issues that are unresolved as well.

I will also be relying on our ambassadors more often, as the trade bloc idea requires a great deal of communication between ourselves and other countries.

My Recor😛
- Minister for Finance
- Former Advisor to Starks Hayter on Foreign Affairs.
- Co-author of the eIrish Constitution
- Author of the Defence of the Republic Act, the Public Inquiry Act.


Have you got questions about this manifesto?
Message me via eRepublik or IRC, and I'll answer your questions on a special episode of the Boru Broadcast on eRTÉ!

So get your questions in now!