Man for the job

Day 2,326, 20:28 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

This is almost expected of a proud and horny fed like myself. I’m not here to talk about myself or even the party. I want to talk about Tyler Bubblar. The man with a plan to run for CP. He is, the man for the job.

This message is brought to you by Saving Private Ryan because... why not?

Country President election are right around the corner, and what we need right now more than anything is a someone who is strong. Someone who can bring the energy and life into this game. Someone who can push eNASA and and kick start the eUSA into a baby boom. That person is Tyler Bubblar. I believe he can get the ball rolling into a new baby boom. That is something this game desperately needs. We need energy and a lot of it. Otherwise this game will wither away to nothing but a memory, and heaven forbid if I had to find something else to do with my day…

Tyler Bubblar is a leader. Nobody can deny that. He will have to make hard decisions under immense pressure, but what better man to do it? He has been at the front of ATO’s including the shameful PTO of WTP by Valiant Thor and the somewhat recent kicking of Ajay from the top 5. Granted there were many people involved in these actions and I am in now way taking that away from them. However, with those achievements around his belt, why should he not be given the chance as CP?

If Tyler Bubblar is elected CP, I can only say that there will be plenty of people behind him supporting what he does all the way. His cabinet is top notch, and is fully prepared to get the tasks at hand done. Tyler is also a very capable person himself. With experience as CoS, SecState, and PP. If thats not impress enough, what if I said he did them all at the same time? This is not even the full list of accomplishments. Be smart, vote Tyler Bubblar.