Lord of War Report

Day 2,266, 11:49 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

As far back as I can remember eCanada has always stayed the course with its usual suspects of allies and friends no matter the cost. Its always been a positive for the country and at the same time a negative. Caution and patience always took the day with international relations. Even if it meant we got caught on the outside looking in having waited to long.

In a very uncanadian decision were changing things up and It has me excited for something new and diffrent. As of now a MPP with Serbia has been proposed and shortly after Slovenia is to follow.

Done are the days of chasing after old allies that no longer what us by there side and I think its time to pursue relations with countries that actually want to give us a shot.

This doesn't mean all our old friendships are finished. Its just a new way for us to engage in the world and hopefully build a new solid foundation and eventually maybe membership in an alliance.

I ask for citizens of this country to give it a chance for a few months before passing judgement on govt and congress for pushing forward this agenda.

On the warfront we successfully freed Newfoundland from Spanish occupation. This is a nice victory for us as it shows we won't be held under for an 8 month wipe that was so feared.

This win is more about the Spanish not wanting to occupy us long term and defending its ally eUK from a beating. On top of that Portugal is fighting like mad on a 2 front war against Spain and USA while opening RW fronts. Add these up and thats why were gaining territory back quickly.

For our gains though our ally Portugal is getting beat up. When you can, go fight for them because we basically owe them our early freedom. I've seen many Portugal soldiers fighting in our RWs and it makes me feel bad watching them get cut to pieces.

Pay it Forward.

Hail Portugal!!!

Hail Canada!!!