Lord of War Report

Day 2,248, 11:13 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I decided to do up a quick war report for the country about the battle and explaining how things went down last night during the night fighting. This was also supposed to be my govt cabinet title. IBBs memory is short I guess lol.

75'000 CC were pulled from country accounts and I was personally sent 30k to use towards keeping CO's up. About 18k of that was used during the fight. I used the practice of high payment early to take control of D1-D3 rounds and managed to hold them for most of the night. D4 on the other hand had MU's like HOPE and CoI with CO's up so i ignored it.

Some of that 75k was also liquidated and changed into tanks. I used up 600 Q7 tanks govt issue and 500 of my own supplying mostly D4 troops.

Myself and Bryan Alexander were up till 4-5am mtn 6-7am est doing a mix of tanking, changing CO's when needed and Supplying.

Thx to all the tanks who came on and hit hard for our side it was crucial in some Night time D4 steals. I also Know many day time and morning Tanks fought like hell as well so this win belongs to everyone.

It paid off heavily as when I crashed we had a solid lead of 65-23. A little organization, activity and resources goes a long way. Not sure what the final bill tally was but all in all it wasn't back breaking for the first battle. Nice to log on and see the morning soldiers got the job done.

So Victory in Wales. Lets slap them around a bit more so they go cry to papa Spain and Poland.

As I promised IBB when he ran I would help him with war to the best of my ability. So much for resigning I guess. I do enjoy war though.

Guess I'll kiss a little ass and say thx to the govt for trusting an unpredictable warmonger like myself with govt funds and resources. I made good use of them and will again.

As a final note if you have the extra funds Were always taking donations and every donation gives us a larger chance of victory. The funds are not being wasted and as can be seen with last night. They pay off.

War is a Marathon not a Sprint. Do your best to fight when needed but at the same time conserving as much of your Resources as possible.