Life is a Highway....

Day 457, 11:37 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Yes I did choose the famous Tom Cochrane song made even more popular by Rascal Flatts to start this article.
I know last time I talked about war and all. But maybe this time I will diverge ( I had to look that up so I could spell that) from the usual drudgery.
Because one of my favorite countries Israel is FREE! I'm not Jewish but I am excited for these guys.
Please help the country of Israel as much as possible, they can win every battle if we help them.
The battle was a long and hard road uphill but like any hill once your on the top you can easily make it to your destination and roll up the badguys at the bottom.
But for now let us celebrate the indipendence of Israel as a nation, as a country, and as (just like America) a dream....Let us hope that dream never dies....
And rememeber if Life is a Highway then Israel is gonna ride it all night long....gimme, gimme, yeah.

Thanks to Order 66 newspaper and it's citizen Muljo Gobet.