Legion Commander Attacks Own Country for France

Day 2,936, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

The Snowden Files

Shifty Report part 2.1

Hello (t)his is a '(b)iggie' UK citizens! I feel it is my duty to bring issues into the public domain, (i)ssue's (that) congress are too frightened to talk about outside their mass mail.

The list of (misdemeanours)? is growing and now we have the (Legion Commander) fighting against his own country(.) (T)hat is right(,) fighting for France against the UK(!)

(I will now provide) the evidence. (H)e also confirms this in congress as a mistake but a congress member said (that) you get a warning when hitting against ones own nation.

That is right and in case you don't believe your eyes look again,

Did he forget what account he was on? (I)s he really french?
Why is (Legion) fighting the UK? What is his game?

(This is) the icing on the cake and a (key) date in UK (h)istory(,) the day the (Legion Commander) (had too much to drink with his EDL mates) and hit against his own country men.