Leave a comment and win weapon or food!

Day 695, 06:25 Published in Croatia North Korea by conrexx
This article is published in Croatia, but written on English, so that my subscribers who don't understand Croatian, can participate as well.
So, what is this all about? Well, soon I will earn Media Mogul Medal, or at least I hope so.
I have already donated 5 gold to organization Help eCroatia, so that I can participate in Media Mogul Project.
I've decided to donate 5 gold which I will receive from obtaining MMM, as well.
But this soon to be medal is not only my merit, it will be earned with help from all my subscribers.
And now I want to donate to those who are helping me on my way to obtain MMM.
All you have to do is to leave a comment.
If I am online you will receive your reward immediately after you post your comment, if not, it will be donated to you as soon I get back online.

First 30 comments will receive 1 piece of Q1 weapon.

Next 170 comments will receive 1 piece of Q2 food.


- possess eCroatian citizenship

- possess allied nation citizenship

- organizations excluded

- only one item per citizen

Why now, why not when medal is in pocket?

Well, right now I can afford this kind of expense and it gives me opportunity to thank my subscribers.
And I'm also doing a favor to eCroatia, because all the items will be obtained from domestic market.

Why you're giving items for comment and not for subscription?

Because, that would be unfair to my previous subscribers.