lancer450 in Western Australia!

Day 1,739, 16:06 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

G’day eAustralia and my fellow eAussies!

It has been quite a while since I wrote my last article. Please forgive me. This is mostly due to the fact that I’ve run out of any interesting ideas lately, which has been added on to the chaos that has been my real life this past month. 😛 I’m hoping to get back to writing for you all once things settle down a bit.

Anyways, tomorrow is the Congress (Senate) elections and, fortunately, we actually have all of our regions this month! I must take the time to commend and applaud the eAustralian government, my fellow eAustralian fighters, and our amazing allies for being able to accomplish this feat. Great job everyone! Now, with the elections being tomorrow I felt it to be my duty to inform the people of eAustralia why I am running and why I believe they should vote for me.

First off, for those who may be new to the game, the Congress (the Senate in eAustralia) convenes every month to attend to legislative business. This includes appropriating monies, accepting citizenship requests, and handling the domestic affairs of our eNation. The job of a Senator is to represent you, the eAustralian people and your views, in the Senate. I would recommend voting for somebody who is known for being active and involved. Remember that you don’t have to vote for someone because you perceive them to be “popular”. Popularity doesn’t guarantee that they will do the job well. This has been the case ever since I joined eRepublik. So please carefully consider who you are voting for before you press that button. 🙂

Given the recent events of this past month I feel it to be my obligation to throw myself back into the political arena in order to ensure a Constitution is drawn up without the major flaws and imperfections that currently plague our existing Constitution. I share the view held by a majority of eAustralians. I wish for a system where forum laws and in-game laws complement one another rather than pose as a burden on each other. I am of the belief that the Senate shouldn’t just act as the “rubber stamp” of the eAustralian government. This is not supposed to be a dictatorship. It is my conviction that the Senate needs to take on a more prominent role and that our current system does not recognise the actual power balance in-game. I will listen to what the eAustralian community has said and understand that we share the same persuasions, as illustrated in my friend witherd1’s latest article.

I pledge to be active throughout the entire term and to be a consistent voice in the Senate. I have shown myself to be a man of my word in the past, and have kept this promise every month I have been elected. I have shown that I am responsible, trustworthy, and full of the integrity needed to represent you well. Thus, I’d like to take this opportunity to ask you to vote for me, lancer450, in Western Australia under the Australian Parliamentary Party banner on the 25th of August!

Kindest regards,

TL😉R Don't vote for knobs. Vote for me, lancer450!