lancer450 for PP of the UKPP!

Day 1,881, 15:28 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Fellow UKPP’ers,

In just a couple of days from now, our party like the rest of the parties across the eUK will head to the polls to elect their next party presidents. Luckily, the UKPP has a slew of superb candidates to choose from and I’m confident our party will make the right choice on election day.

I have already begun contacting various party members to prepare our recruitment and retention team and to fill the party positions still needed to be occupied. I’ve also had a couple of party members step forward and volunteer to help out in several areas including the media. Things are looking good. However, I am always open to further help. That being said, if anybody is interested in volunteering to help the party or if there is a specific position you would like to apply for, please contact me as soon as possible.

The UKPP, at its core, is a party of progress despite what its detractors may believe or say. In order to maintain this passion and progress, we must have a strong and stable party with self-effacing leaders not concerned for themselves but, instead, concerned for the condition of the party, the people, and the entirety country. I hope to be able to provide this. My aim for next month is to focus on supporting and developing our newer players and retaining our current position in the top five. I will maintain the democratic balloting systems currently in place rather than relying on executive decision-making and I will help to give opportunities to those who are active and committed and determined to succeed no matter their experience level, in-game age, etc.

Moreover, I would like to see our congressional candidates even more active and informed than in previous months. I will be asking for those wishing to run for congress to message their intentions to me a little sooner than in past months so that I can be sure that EVERYBODY is at an acceptable level of activity and basic knowledge of game mechanics/congressional powers & procedure. I will personally help to inform those candidates who I feel may be lacking necessary information to be productive, responsible, and reliable congress members.

Now, in my previous article there were a couple of people that claimed I bought votes for that particular article. I wish I could say I had the funds to be able to do that with every article I write however I don’t. I simply messaged many friends as well as my party members asking them to check out my article, give it a read, and possibly a vote if they wanted to. I can see how some may have thought I bought votes given how many votes it received but that simply is not the case. I would like to add that NO article released by myself, if and when I become party president, will have purchased votes. It’s rather pointless in my opinion and it is a waste of precious funds that could be used for much more worthy things. I hope my fellow UKPP PP candidates and the PP candidates in other parties can agree with me on this and join me in ending this practice.

As I said before, the UKPP has many wonderful candidates standing for party president this month. I would like to wish my fellow candidates good luck. To that end, I ask for your vote. Please vote for me, lancer450, on the 15th of January for Party President of the UKPP!

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