La historia de la V2 | History of V2

Day 996, 14:34 Published in Spain Spain by saik

The intention of this article is not to offend anybody, i just want to make people lought and have a good experience playing eRepublik.

As a web designer I underestand how difficult is to make a game like this so please, keep this article published and as i said is not my intention to offend eR stuff.


Perry vuelve con tira masmolona>>

HISTORY OF V2( English & spanish)

Hi, my name is John Doe and I am a random"user" of eRepublik and im going to tell you how eRepublik Rising was "born".

Hola, me llamo John Doe y soy un admi...esto.."jugador" cualquiera, os voy a contar como "nacio" eRepublik rising.

Everithing started when me and my friend were chilling in his pool one sunday.

Frien😛 Hey mate, we have to do something and now we have lots of apprentices so we can make something cool exploiting them in just a few days.

Me:Yeah, will be cool, what about V2.

F: V2??? WTF, that name isnt cool enougth...what about eRepublik wait, eRepublik Rising.

Me: Yo are a genious!!

Todo empezó cuando yo y mi colega estabamos dep*ta madre en su piscina de mañaneo un domingo cualquiera.

Colega: Tio, tenemos que hacer algo con esto, acabamos de contratar mogollón de becarios deseosos de ser explotados y no podemos desaprovecharlo,

Yo: Ya ves, y si nos ponemos con la V2?

C: Ni de coña lo podemos llamar V2, se reiran en nuestra cara, necesitamos algo mas moderno, que llame la atención. Erepublik sunshine, no espera...ya lo tengo, eRepublik Rising!

Y: Eres un maldito genio!

Meetengs were really hard, sorry was really hard...we only had one. After that meeting, we decide to start working on it, well we decided to put our apprenditices to work.


Las reuniones fueros muy complicadas, perdon fue muy complicada... solo tuvimos una. Despues de esa reunión, nos pusimos a currar. Perdon otra vez, pusimos a nuestros perros o becarios a currar.

They didnt know how to program really good. But they were soooo cute and after some days without food they started to make good stuff.

La verdad, estos becarios no tenian mucha idea de programar. Y eran tan moooonos. Pero todo se solucionó dejandolos unos dias sin comer, empezaron a programar como posesos gracias a su instinto de supervivencia. Y sacaron algunas cosas decentes!

Finally Beta test period started and it was as A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. as this picture says.


Por fin, la Version Beta Tester salió a la luz y jod*r fue tan I-N-C-R-E-I-B-L-E. como nuestras expresiones.

But my story ends here, i was fired today cause i made a little geography mistake.

Always remember that the future of eRepublik is on his players, on you!!

Pero mi historia acaba aquí, hoy me han despedido por una pequeña confusión geográfica sin importancia.

Recuerda que el futuro de eRepublik esta en sus jugadores, es tuyo!