Jumping in with both feet, while blindfolded

Day 1,700, 17:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Thank to those who voted for me for Regiment 1 Captain.

Oh wait, there wasn't a vote, was there! Nobody else stood up and said "I'd love to take on this job".

It started with The Boss (ie TUP family leader) suggesting I should go for it. I said I didn't think I was anywhere near ready. So of course, I went for it.

Do I know what I'm doing? No, but then in life how many of us jump into something without the faintest clue what will happen? It's what makes life interesting (and occasionally short, but fortunately the worst that can happen in eRep is what? I lose my money? I do that anyway...)

So wish me luck and thank heavens we have some very good leaders who (hopefully) will keep me from making any major mistakes, like blowing up Leicester or drowning London! I'm learning more and more of this game, and liking it more and more... and anyone who is interested in becoming a Captain, let me know and I'll keep you up to date on what I do, what I should have done, and what I should not have done that I did anyway...!