Japan Steps Down in Protest of the Sol Alliance

Day 699, 01:38 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress and an Advisory Representative of Japan to the Sol Alliance, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the Japanese people that as of Day 696 of the New World, the Great Japanese Empire is no longer a member nation in the Sol Alliance. Upon Most Noble President Oraizan's announcement to the Security Council, our nation has left the alliance in protest.

Following two acts of the Imperial Diet, one under Most Noble President Minamoto and one under Oraizan, the decision is at last final. Citing the alliance's unacceptable response to the Theocrat Question, as well as “Resolution [O0002]: Voiding O0001” which is a de-facto recognition of the Theocratic government in South Korea, “Resolution [M0009]: TNoSK requests observer status,” in which the Security Council granted observer nation status to the illegitimate government, and “Resolution [S0001]: Statement by the Security Council,” in which the Security Council refused to condemn the Theocratic system, our nation will no longer participate in the alliance's processes.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to retaining friendly relations with the nations of Sol, but the Diet has found the alliance itself to be counter to the Righteous Nation Philosophy. In providing an insufficient response to the Theocratic attack on Japanese soil, in granting the means to train Theocratic soldiers, and in recognizing the Theocratic government, the Imperial Diet of Japan has found the Sol Alliance has interests contrary to those of Japan. Our nation has therefore resigned from the alliance in protest.

Our nation may, one day, resume its activities in Sol. Should the alliance reform itself sufficiently. Until such a time, however, we will remain only an observer to their goings-on.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声