Introducing Your New Empress!

Day 664, 17:00 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

The results are now in!

eJapan, say hello to Empress Taiga Aisaka!

As in her campaign for student council president, she promises to work hard to put your memories of your days of eJapan in a mo-mo-mo-morgue! For more details, I have included a brief interview with Taiga:

Ember: So, Taiga, are you excited to be the new Empress?
Taiga: Yes, very. I can't wait to enslave everyone and rule eJapan!

Ember: You do realize Empress is more of an honorary title around here, right?
Taiga: Sure, it is now. But that can't stop the Palmtop Tiger.

Ember: You also realize you are a fictional character in an anime, right?
Taiga: Fiction-- what?! *grabs her katana*

Ember: Heh, just kidding! *shields face* What I meant to say was, all hail Empress Taiga Aisaka!
Taiga: *sets katana down* Stupid mutt. Dogs should obey their master.

Ember: Heh. Yes, Empress. *rolls eyes*
Taiga: *picks up katana again* Enough!

Ember: *runs*
Taiga: *chases* Get back here!

And so, as you can see, we have a great new Empress! Enjoy Empress Day everyone!

~~Ember Firespiral
Secretary of Culture and Events