Interview with President Sutler

Day 277, 09:51 Published in Canada Israel by Chaim Dov

Q1 President Sutler do your believe that the PQ can succeed and leave Canada?

Currently there are no provisions available to allow eQuebec to leave eCanada. If independance movements in Pakistan, Germany, and even the United States have shown us anything, it is that this game is not equipped to create independant nations. Furthermore, the creation of any new states requires Admin support in order to put these into effect, and Admin Support requires admin" time, which is always in short order. Even if they do commit to creating an independant Quebec in the game, it could be months before they actually do somthing about it; and in eRepublik, two months is a lifetime.

The other option is of course to join another country, but this also requires admin action, and falls prey to the same issue; unless eQuebec is invaded by a foreign power; and the only foreign power capable of annexing Quebec is the united states, whom we share both an MPP, and one of the most watertight NAP"s in the game.

If they wished to join the only other French speaking nation in eRepublik, France, then it would require France to conquer Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and then Quebec to do so. Any such invasion would be impossible so long as eFrance and eCanada remain allies, united by the MA charter and our MPP. Even if France ceased to be our allies, any assault upon canada by any nation would meet the combined defenders of Canada, USA, UK, Italy, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Hungary, and Austria; and any other international support we could attain. Thus military conquest would precipitate a world war, or end in failure.

The other option open to them is joining Pakistan through any of the above mentioned means; and even if they did succeed, eQuebec would find itself in a society more oppressive to the Quebecois culture than a Canada of a thousand Augustus Baldwins.

Additionally, only 20% of all eQuebecois have shown support for sovereignty.

So I suppose the short answer is "n

Q2 We have seen alot of newspapers talking about the separatists and the PQ but do you believe newspapers should also talk about the people who are fighting separatism?

But of course. A symbol of a good journalist or newspaper is an ability to show both sides of an argument with imparitality. As such, my own paper cannot be described in such a way. I have always made it clear that the Voice of London is not a newspaper, but a reputable journal of opinion, partisan hackery, and self-rightous indignation.

It is important that the world see that eCanada does not want eQuebec to leave.

Q3 Let"s just say Quebec does leave what would be your response and the Government of Canada"s response?

that would depend entirely upon the circumstances of their departure, how the left, and where they went.

Q4 The PQ has won the local elections even through not alot of citizens voted do you believe the PQ used election fraud to win?

No, I believe the Quebec elections are an accurate portrayal of the opinions of the eQuebecois. 55% of all voting Quebecois chose staunchly federalist parties, whereas the parties which promote separatism and the destruction of the rule of law within eCanada recieved only 45%. Furthermore, only 44% of the population of eQuebec voted, signifying that 60% of eQuebecois do not care about the issue. Eric Boucher"s success was a result of three factors:

1. The tight-knit nature of the Parti Quebecois
2. The vote-splitting as a result of two staunchly Federalist parties within eQuebec
3. The "High School Vote:" a trend in all simulated elections, and certain real ones, wherein an uniformed voter will vote for an icumbant, or whoever has the most votes at the time of their voting, because they want to be popular, or because they figure they are a safe bet.

Q5 What do you think is the best way to promote Canadian unity in Quebec?

All forms of unity promotion are good. However, a great step towards creating a united and equal society is a form of Language legislation, requiring government services to be provided in both French and English, or with a reasonably ledgible translation thereof.

Q6 President Sutler what do you have to say the citizens of Quebec that are divided on the issue of Quebec leaving?

Well, eQuebec has prospered in eCanada, be it from our MPP system, our social safety net, our strong economy, and from a fierce patriotism and military duty which won eQuebec back from the Americans during the War of Nave"s Toe. That war showed what support a country which was truly loved on the world stage could recieve if its interests were threatened. French, Spanish, Swedish, Norse, Irish, British, Romanian, Portugese, Italian, and even other Americans rallied to our cause to defend this nation. Many of these defenders chose to remain in eCanada afterwards, to help rebuild this nation. Many of our greatest citizens have come from abroad and were embraced openly by our citizenry. Why leave a country so stable, so loved by the world, and so ethnically diverse as we are?