Interview with Nominee, argi the eliminator

Day 1,687, 12:51 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

"Who will you be sending to the eLodge?"

G’day fellow eAussies,

I am here to present to you, the eAustralian electorate, your second and final choice for prime minister in the upcoming election. His name is argi the eliminator, and he has been playing eRepublik for a relatively short period of time, having joined in December of 2011.

argi the eliminator has been elected to the eAustralian Senate on a couple of occasions, he is also the current party president of the KHMC, as well as presently serving as MoFA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) in the Majester government.

I would like to point out that this interview was directed cordially and nothing has been taken out of context or re-written, as you can see with all of the ‘(sic)’. I will provide screen shots if requested or if anything published is disputed. Without further ado, here is the interview I recently conducted with nominee, argi the eliminator:

Me: G’day, sir.

argi the eliminator: "well its actually night here but gday 😛" (sic)

Me: How well do you feel Prime Minister Majester has done these past two months as our prime minister?

argi the eliminator: "well we all now majester it is widely known that he did a great job furthermorehe achieved to lead our forced into nz he runned the program with the tax rebate and he cooparated very well with his cabinet he also gave the opportunity to first timers to get some cabinet experience end of answer 🙂 "(sic)

Me: Is there anything that you may have done differently from him?

argi the eliminator: "well i think that we could get more help from our allies but this is easy to say and hard to do lets be honest maj did a great job , he might made some mistakes but dont forget that he is a human like we all are end of answer 🙂 "(sic)

Me: What are the main goals for the first term of your administration? I would also like to know, and I realise that this may be a silly question considering you still haven’t won a first term, but have you considered running for multiple terms? This has been the case in recent months with 3 out of 4 predecessors attaining two terms in office.

argi the eliminator: "well i have some ideas-proposals and i mention them on this article my primary goal will be to take back our regions from nz. Well i dont think i will run for the presidency during august cause I will take some rl rest during these days" (sic)

Me: What do you specifically plan to do in order to ‘unite ALL eaussies,’ as you put it in your recent campaign article, and, where do you plan on attaining more of the resource bonuses that you have promised?

argi the eliminator: "first of all i think that fighting together will unite us thats the reason i want to add mass attacks on daily schedule. Also there will be discussions on the forum which will be open for all aussie citizens i will also try to make irc more active there are many guys who are using irc and everyone is invited. about resources we can get some via war (like the one with nz) or by renting regions (with the approval of the senate) furthermore we can make a region exchange but i am not a big fan of this" (sic)

Me: You have said that you plan to continue the war with eNew Zealand. If so, how do you have a plan to hold the eKiwi regions for more than a couple of days?

argi the eliminator: "yes with the aussie army and the help of our friends we can hold them 'australia looks like a lonely fighter' he can bring more help from our allies, thats for sure end of answer" (sic)

Me: Given many in your party, as well as many of your supporters, are very vocal about war, how likely is it that you will reinvigorate hostilities between eAustralia and eIndonesia? eAustralia has had one of her longest periods of being whole since tensions with our northern neighbours were at their highest. Will you show any restraint as prime minister, or will everyone be fair game?

argi the eliminator: "well currently we are at war with ekiwis a fight with indonesia would be a mistake anytime indo have much more fighters than we do and practically we cant face them so i will show restraint end of answer" (sic)

Me: I had some problems being able to contact you to arrange and conduct this interview. Will you be more accessible, active, and open as prime minister?

argi the eliminator: "well i live in greece and you pmed me when i was at a party i am active from 0 to 14 erep time of course if i get elected i will be there more often" (sic)

Me: Again, it's nothing personal. I messaged you and didn't receive a response for a total of 14 hours. That is over half of a day.

argi the eliminator: "well after the party i needed some sleep 😛 sorry for being late but you can ask guys if I am active" (sic)

Me: In one of your articles you have said that, as prime minister, you will attempt to twin eAustralian MU's with those overseas. How do you think the eAussie population will receive this?

argi the eliminator: "I think that this is a good idea i cant find a reason why should someone be negative in this its quite common in other countries cooperation is always good" (sic)

Me: What do you believe is the biggest challenge for our country at the moment, and how do you plan to address it?

argi the eliminator: "our biggest challenge at the moment is to hold our remaining regions and to fight back in order to take what belongs to us and with that i mean our home regions if we unite we will accomplish this goal" (sic)

Me: Finally, would you like to take this opportunity to say anything to your fellow eAustralians?

argi the eliminator: "of course some people may think that arolia and I have some kind of conflict i would like to inform them that me an arolia were/are/remain friends. I would also like to tell them to take care and dont forget to fight for our country" (sic)

I would like to, once again, thank argi the eliminator for taking the time to indulge me and answer some questions I believe, you, the eAustralian voters, would like to hear answered before we head to the polls.

Please remember to vote on the 5th of July to elect the next prime minister of our great country. Good luck to both candidates, and may the best man win!

Always remember this famous quote from former U.S. Senator from Nevada, John Ensign: “I believe that voting is the first act of building a community as well as building a country.”

Best and kindest regards,