Interview with mr. HeapSeppo!

Day 2,084, 17:38 Published in Norway Norway by Indigodavo95

Hello, i asked on the IRC channel for
The SEAL team 6

what to write an article about.

so i decided to just take is as a challenge, and here am i interviewing MR: HeapSeppo

Here is what we know about HeapSeppo.

1. Can you please tell me short about your erep life?

- My erep life started in eSweden. My IRL friend got me to start this game and soon the politics had me hooked up. After 6 months or so I got bored of eSweden and decided to move to eUS as I got accepted into SEAL Team 6 and here we are now, starting my political career in eUS after being here for about 1 year.

2. What made you start playing the game?

- My IRL friend was always sitting there clicking on some game at school. Eventually he got me and the rest of our group of friends to start.

3. What will you say is the biggest milestone in your eLife?

- I got 2 milestones, my military milestone was joining SEAL Team 6, which was always my goal from when I was a little noobie. My political milestone was when I crushed my first congress election.

4. Don’t you feel it’s time to get the CH medal?

- I know right! I just don’t seem to be able to be able to save long enough to go for it. There is always some important battle that needs me to spend those energy bars. I rather spend 80m to win an important battle with no CH than spend 40m to overkill an unimportant battle for a CH.

5. I have read on your newspaper and seen that you are trying to become CP, what is your goal if you achieve that title?Seppo4CP

- Well, the plan is to free eUS and our allies, but also establish an emergency fund for the CPs so that they don’t have to go through SCI everytime they need money fo
r warfare.


6. What made you join the SEAL team 6? and how long have you been fighting for/with them?

- I always saw those nice avatars going by on the battlefield whenever there was an important battle and decided that in the future, that’s where want to be. So about 1 year ago I got the PM saying that I had gotten accepted and a few hours later I got into the eUS and joined up with them.

You mean like your own 😉

7. you have been playing for 1 and a half year, what will you say the stupidest thing you have done in this time?

- Well, not the stupidest thing but something that stung a bit. I had no clue that divisions were getting implemented, and I worked -a lot- in factories everyday (38 or so saltpeter) so I got a lot of exp. If I hadn’t I would have been able to stay in D3 a bit longer. But well well, I at least made a lot of money out of it!

8. What is your plan after the CP term if you get elected?

- To stay active in the political scene and work to make a difference in eUS.

What do you see?

- I see a girl spreading her legs obviously. No seriously though, it’s a lamp.

10. What is your favorite animal/pet and why??

- Lizards and cats, they are both adorable.

This is for you then!

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