Interested in Running for Congress?

Day 2,460, 13:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Interested in running for Congress?

The Party President (PP) chooses the pecking order, the proportion of votes won in the election determines how many seats each party will hold.

I don’t want to give every seat to someone new, but I do want to see some new people getting involved. (A warning: you pull the stunt Tiger Style pulled on us and you’ll never hold any position anywhere again. He took the Congress reward and scarpered off to Pakistan, who were then offering money for new citizens. He took their money and left for somewhere else… little twerp….)

So before I (if elected again as PP) sort out the pecking order, I want to know a few things. Failure to respond will leave you on the bottom of the list, so please answer carefully but quickly. Copy the questions into message format and respond using same, not through this article please.

1. Your name here in the eUK.
2. What is your previous government experience?
3. Where do you see yourself in 6 months here in the eUK?
4. Do you prefer IRC, forum or message system, or a combination of them?
5. What do you think are the three most important issues for Congress to address?
6. If you are experienced, would you be willing to consider being our Chief Whip? If not experienced, are you willing to listen to the views of those who are before you cast your vote?
7. Will you write at least two articles for TUP explaining what is going on in Congress and the eUK?
8. Will you consider donating your Congress gold reward to the NHS/eBrit University?
9. Do you solemnly promise to do your best for TUP and the eUK even to your own personal detriment?
10. Do you solemnly promise to remain active in office throughout the Congress term?