Independence Day! How America Can Pioneer, and Canada's Reactions

Day 1,688, 17:10 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

In honor of our bro America's birthday, I'd like to talk about their situation today. Now, as many of you know, Canada and America are as close as two countries can be, and their decisions will directly affect ours. So it's our goal to have their ideas and plans match with our own.

First is their NAPs. America has had a treaty with Spain for quite some time. Of course, that hasn't stopped the Spaniards from attacking us. While their deal makes sense, as it prevents two powerhouses from fighting each other, it also puts us in a bad position. If Spain attacks us, America is strictly neutral in the battle, and, to be honest, one of the reasons we're in the position we're in is because of our friends to the south. As the weaker of the two in our union, we can't afford to create any tension. If America won't budge with their peace treaty, we should at least consider a peace deal of our own with the Spanish. After all, why fight a strong country if they can instead be your ally?

Poland is in the same position. Poland and America both would prefer not to fight each other, and have begun taken steps to prevent any future conflict. Us Canadians would do well to extend a hand to our Polish adversaries and attempt diplomacy. If we can do so, we will have no country waiting to invade us, leaving us open to invading Ireland or UK. Perhaps an alliance with them is in the future, but for now, we must at least prevent an invasion.

America has one of the largest populations in the world, and as a result of their deep pockets and strong soldiers, many Canadians flee south to earn more money or fame. One way Canada should combat this is to lower taxes. Money is powerful, and if Canada can make goods cheaper and more available to the masses, I can guarantee a mass immigration. Perhaps if Canada and America work out trade agreements to bring more competitive rates to us, it would help both nations.

And to the south, America battles Mexico. While it may not be in the plans for now, if Mexico continues to harass America, I'd suggest quick action to crush them. Mexico is nowhere near as powerful as the Yanks, so America needs to use its superiority to its advantage. After all, why have an army if you don't use it to get what you want?