Illinois: Let's do it one more time! Aren Perry for a fourpeat!

Day 517, 17:13 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hi all of you in Illinois!! It's me again, I'm here to run as your congressional incumbent for three months straight hoping that I can secure your vote once again. I've been very busy this past month, finalizing and securing the Public Information Act for clearer budgeting information.

As the chair of infrastructure, I have had a slightly disappointing session in congress. While I was able to secure a Q3 DS for Massachussetts, otherwise my attempts at getting our country more hospitals and defense systems have fallen short.

Justinious' new hospital is over-priced partially due to higher construction expenses because of worker problems. The contract for Kyle's company and Q5 hospitals for the government fell through the cracks by ONE vote in the bill. So very very close to having 8 Q5 hospitals in reserve, on our shores, and in the middle of our country to secure our nation beyond doubt. We are working on getting ourselves another Q5 in reserve so that we can place it at need wherever it may be needed.

As a congress, we have managed to put out the first budget. While the budget is rough and generally vague, it is a good first step. A few flaws could be fixed and what I would like imporve next term that i will help try to get in place within the budget.

#1. Overbudgeting for Infrastructure.
#2. Room for wiggle. The budget has become a tool to wield in people's faces when needed items are rejected simply because they are not in the budget. While rejection useless or over-spending items (like Justinious hospital for 28k) is smart, paying an extra 5k+ for Meals on Wheels, we should be happy for its success.

Contracts for congress:

While I am happy with the advancement of contract usage, I think we need to ensure that every position should be contracted. While I do not see the need for extended contracts, short, simple contracts posted in erepublik and linked to the boards in full.

Taxes and activity

Congress has been great this term because the bickering has been down to some degree and we have gotten some good things done. For example, taxes have not been discussed in depth. While some proposals have come forth, they were sudden, lll-discussed, and only one (and rightly only one) passed and then only by one vote (I voted yes, by the way). A tax change for food from 25% import to 28% import, making it just a little bit harder for foreigners to import into our country.

Still, in general, we have had a great congressional term!

Outside of being a congressman...

I have been spending a lot of time as the new Party President of the AAP! This duty has put a lot of tax on my time, filling in my directors and heads of departments. It's been keeping me very busy but it's been great. I am now in one more position where my decisions will help be a voice in the eUSA. That's what I'm all about and what my party to be about, giving americans a voice. That's what me being a congressman is about, giving my state a voice.

As usual, ambassador to Turkey, new player mentor, SADD member, Chair of the Infrastructure Committee, and before Party president, head of recruitment for the AAP.

In short, I have been very active in the US to make this a better place. If you want an opportunity for leadership, contact me, I'll be glad to find you one in my party if you like.

My Competition

Iggy Incubus of the USWP is my only competition. While I have nothing against him, if you read his platform, I've already proved myself in all those areas.

I created the Public Information Act which I plan to get stricter enforcement of (Government Transparency), Responsible Foreign Policy (he says we are doing well. Very well, I agree, but that is not any reason to vote for him over me), Strong home Defense-I am the Chair of Infrastructure and helped get in place both the government weapon companies he refers to and also tried to go further by establishing either iron contracts or companies to back our weapon companies.

We both come from the same general political leanings. Thus, while I probably agree with him alot, his views are also probably not that different from mine and thus probably doesn't have much to offer beyond my viewpoints.

So why vote for me over him?
Oh let's name the reasons why.

1. Experience in Congress and in the game (4 months vs. 1 month)
2. Activity that has been proven in many positions.
3. A voice for your state that has sway not only as a congressman but as a Party President.
4. The Support of the UIP, AAP, Lib's, and the Coalition.
5. I will pay you.

Ok, so #5 is a lie (I never take bribes!!). But I hope that 1-4 is enough reason for you!

Ok people!

Aren Perry for a fourth consecutive term in congress representing the great state of Illinois!