Day 1,099, 05:29 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

Bolivia Free. Northern Ireland under allied control. Cork and Kerry and Northeast returned to Ireland. Wales lost to the UK. North Dakota resistance successful, we have lost the region.

Congratulations to Yddub. Ireland's first General ranked player.
He is now the Number 1 Irish Player, and "Beast of the ICA".



Irish Citizen Army: Secure the Resistance War, Fight for Ireland(Defenders) in North Dakota


Need to start securing rounds here as a No1 priority or we will lose the region.

EDIT: Greedy BH hunters, quit fighting for Resistance.F*ck Sake.
Defeat: 6-8. ND Lost.


Irish Citizen Army: Fight against the Brits, Fight in Southeast of Ireland

Securing this is very important. Fight Hard in this battle.

Irish Citizen Army: Fight against the Brits, Fight in Wales
Yddub > Phoenix

If the UK win this battle they will gain a border with Southeast of Ireland and Dublin giving them the opportunity to attack our home regions again. Defeat: 5-8. UK have now hit the Southeast again.

Irish Citizen Army: Fight against the Brits, Fight for Resistance Force of Ireland in Northeast of Ireland

Success: 8-2. exohoritis is a Greek God

Important Battle.Anyone that can move to the UK should keep an eye on this Resistance War. If it is successful it will remove the UK from our island, at least temporarily.


Irish Citizen Army: Help our Bolivian friends, Fight for Resistance in Bolivian Altiplano
Success: 8-1. Congrats to our Bolivian Bros

This is the last remaining Bolivian region that needs to be freed. Come on IRC and contact Fabrizzio for Moving Tickets

Irish Citizen Army: Fight against the Brits, Fight in Northern Ireland
Success: 8-4. An important victory.

Keep a close eye on this battle. If it needs damage, fight there. It is a key battle, losing it will make it more difficult to remove the UK from Ireland. To fight in this battle move to the region of Shannon which is under Canadian control.

IRC usage is essential for battle. Join Now!

Timing is key in any given battle. Generally it is good practice to be on IRC near the end of the targeted 2 hourly segment. Fight Smart- Make your Influence count. Each Battle Segment lasts for 2 hours. Fight in the battle segments that you can make a difference in. Good times to fight are when a battle segment is between 50/50 and 53/47 on either side. Subscribe to this paper now and friend this org for shouts.


Erin go Bragh
