I WAS going to write a guide but....

Day 1,742, 06:26 Published in India India by DonMogul

Come on guys. 1 INR for a daily wage? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

How do you expect our new players to survive on that pittance?

How do you expect India to keep our new citizens?

How do you expect India to GROW?

You can complain about the state of the economy all you want, but think on this...

How the bloody hell can you expect someone to spend their salary on Indian goods thereby stimulating the economy with such a under-subsistence wage?


This article was going to be an article describing to our new citizens on how to survive with a 50 INR daily wage (where our market was sitting at for a while) AND grow their money at the same time.

Instead I am making an announcement.

Any citizen that is not yet of a high enough level to run for Country President (any citizen below level 1😎 please apply for a job I have posted on the job market for 1 INR.

As soon as I see you have joined up I will raise your wage to a guaranteed minimum of 75 INR. Stay with me for a week and don't miss a day's working and you will receive a raise up to 100 INR.

I am trying to do my part for the betterment of our new citizens.

I hope my fellow Indian businessman wake up and lend a hand to our people.

Help India prosper!