I'm Running for ANI Party President

Day 904, 21:01 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hey all,

We'll for too long i have not stuck my hand up to lead the party i helped in its early days.
so, I have decided to run for the Australian New Ideas PP.
The ANI party have had an up and down elife but has always sought to help the people of eAustralia.
I will do my best to continue to give a voice to the people and involve them in eAus life in all of its awesome facets. We may not be a large party, but we want to be a party that gives help and a voice to all who are members and to All our fellow eAustralians. Let's 're-birth' our beginnings and get back to who we once were!
My fellow party members I would appreciate your support and votes come our next PP elections.
We have much to do and a country that needs our support, wisdom and participation.
thanks guys
Take Care