I'm back. Reassembling the snipe unit.

Day 1,751, 21:34 Published in USA USA by Candor

I'm back.

Now, to see what the heck is going on around here...been two-clicking about a year and a half.

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1st thing, I'll be putting the snipe squad back together because shoot, that was arguably the most fun I had in this game. Former members and especially DL's (guys who run individual compartments, call'em whatever u want), PM me to re up. I'll get a G Doc up in the next few days for new member apps.

We're starting from scratch again, so we'll need at least three Department Leads (DL's) asap.

This isn't a Militia, we don't wear badges. In fact, we run incognito. Your membership will forever remain anonymous. BUT in the past we've decided Presidents, and certainly swung many PP and Congressional elections.

Our FIRST mission is as an ATO OpFor answerable only to The President of The United States (Or designated Director Central Intelligence, if the position still exists).

But most elections, we get to pick and choose election results. It's a blast.

Every member gets to nominate two or three candidates that need the help and are worthy (Congressy types) if they choose to. Where there is consensus and necessity we throw them the reset vote.

Quite honestly, PP elections are actually my favorite.

We don't fess up when we make a difference, and you'll likely never know everyone in the unit, or even a majority, as we keep compartmentalized to protect our most valuable asset, our membership number.

Some members never set foot in one of our compartmentalized Rizon rooms, but work directly with me or one or two others in one-on-one rooms. Those folks do so by choice.

I get reports from Department Leads of available numbers 30 mins to reset, but even I don't know the full roster membership. Again, compartmentalized.

But you DO get to see the results, which is fun as heck (and we do have a closed Rizon room for those who want to discuss the glories).

Party membership doesn't matter. We aren't affiliated with any particular party.

I'm NoS Dive Bar (it doesn't matter at all), but even in our heyday we asked most people to at least sit elsewhere (other parties).

And cuz why? Cuz messin' with the world is fun!

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Loves and kisses