Hungary Forming New Imperialist Alliance: Charter Details Inside

Day 745, 00:58 Published in USA Ireland by Brian Boru

According to my contacts within ex-PEACE GC countries in Europe, Hungary is forming a new alliance from a selection of its old buddies. While I was told to keep quiet on this matter, it is a serious matter for the entire world, so I feel I must speak out.

The Countries:
According to my original source, the countries that have been contacted about joining this alliance include Serbia, Indonesia, Russia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the United Netherlands, the Baltic States (without Estonia), Turkey, Portugal, Germany, Slovenia and Iran.

All of these are ex-PEACE GC countries, and sources say that debates and/or congress votes are in progress at present.

The Charter:
The charter is extremely authoritarian.
I will not post it to protect my source, but it is disturbing stuff.

The information that I received from a contact talked about a "Strategic Council" of this new alliance, that will have full military and diplomatic powers over countries signed up to the treaty. This will effectively end the independence of countries signed up to the treaty, placing all external powers in the hands of the Council.

The same article also claims that the Council will have powers over other issues not covered by the treaties of any other alliance. This article is so vague that it could lead to the end of internal independence for countries signed up as well.

Breaking the treaty also has a harsh set of punishments with absolutely no room for error, including a fine of three months' worth of subscriptions to the alliance military units and the banning of the President of an offending country for a week.

This treaty effectively destroys the independence of any country that will sign up to it.
I sincerely hope that if the treaty does include these provisions, and that congress members immediately vote against them for the protection of their own countries.