How would you describe ... ?!

Day 2,028, 11:20 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

 Well , we need fun they said. Then, what's more fun than to make fun of what others think about you. You may also find interesting to read how other see you. So, this would go something like this. We have this beautiful new comment section and we gonna use it to describe the person that comment before us using a movie title. Keep in mind that the movie of the title should somehow describe the person above you and should be easy to find the connection. Because we need a start, I`m gonna just make a first random comment so the next comment should describe me by using a movie title... and so on.

Example :

The rules

 Any violation of the following rules is considered a foul, and can result in a warning, point deduction, or disqualification by me:

No. 1 You can hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, wrestle, bite, or push your opponent.
No. 2 Keep your description on track - meaning make only one description about only the person above u.
No. 3 Keep in mind that here we are not on our forum. The rules from eRepublik apply`s also...

Your Vice-secretary of Media and FUN: