Helvetica III

Day 4,428, 18:01 Published in Switzerland Ireland by Violence Seth

I'll present no pretty pictures or flowery language in this third edition of Helvetica.

Vote thrakiwths55; a long serving member of our community who's acted as our Minister of Defense and a worthy CP candidate who has put in the time to be in that position through diligence and hard graft. His work has benefited our country, which is a small one, helping to create an eNation that precedes over it's own decisions confidentially and democratically. I'm sure the ministers he chooses will be the ones who where instrumental in this reformed eSwitzerland.

Vote King Phillip; if you don't like eSwitzerland? I don't know what this chaps gripe with our nation is personally but he doesn't like us judging by his nonsense rhetoric with claims of illegal shadow governments and his anti swearing campaign? It goes on like this, the diatribe of a mad man.

Vote Sethesin; Sure, once it's not KP. What can I offer more than an anti swearing campaign? I won't even stray into that realm of thought, to do so is madness. You all know my credentials.

I'm eSwiss, I serve this country. eSwitzerland knows no Kings.

- Sethesin