Hello eUK!

Day 1,760, 12:52 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Hello fellow eBritons!

I would like to officially introduce myself to the community at-large: Hi, my name is lancer450, but you can call me, "lancer," if you want. I recently became a citizen of the eUnited Kingdom and knowing many people actually have lives to live, I will make this as brief as possible.

Background Information
I am a former Prime Minister of eAustralia, a former ten-time Senator (Congressman), a former Inspector General, and a former Deputy Speaker of the eAustralian Senate. I was also a Minister and Deputy Minister of Information as well as Party President of the then-largest political party, the Australian Independent Party, and Party President of the United Labour Front. I’ve tried to be as active and involved as possible during my tenure on eRepublik. 🙂

Why am I here?
I got an urge to explore and experience a new eCountry. I really want to see what this great eNation has to offer. I was slowly burning out in eAustralia and decided that I needed to leave the eCountry rather than the game itself. Addicted much? Yes. 😛

I have not joined a political party or an MU as of yet, but I have heard many great things about a number of the parties here. I will make a decision in due time, but I first want to understand the goings-on of the eUK, the issues (if there are any – I would assume there is some), and I’d like to get to know and speak with more of you as well – to see which party really offers that sense of camaraderie and community that I left in eAustralia.

I will do all that I can to help the eUnited Kingdom – in any way I possibly can, whether that be politically, militarily, or in the media (if wanted of course 😛).

I would like to thank you for reading and I would love to get to know more of you.

Please vote, subscribe, comment, message me, and add me as a friend!

Hail eUK!

Now I’m gonna go fight for my new eCountry! Team GB!


Creepy lookin' bloke, eh?