Hello Donovan.

Day 703, 00:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

I detect very little personal bias in your article DT.

It was pretty much hitting the nail on the head until the
implied reason for my coup being the loss of the Presidential race. The
university year was starting, and I was about to start a Law course, so I was
under the impression that a serious bout of hitting the books was on the way.
As you can see by my return, I was wrong.

Had I won the Presidential race, I would've had to step

I deleted the original coup article to avoid confusion.
If I would have left it up, then people would've been
confused whether it was real or not. Let me put it this way, I even had Manni
and the British PCP fooled for a little while. In retrospect, it might have
been a better monument to tyranny had I left it up.

I am perfectly aware that forgiveness is a long way off.
I have opted to do what I did before I entered party
politics, and commentate.

As for forgetting, if anyone does forget, I'll be on hand to
remind them, as will everyone else, no doubt. My coup is THE precedent to call
upon when one man gains too much power within the state.

The fact remains that I did lose the trust of the eIrish
people. I acknowledge that it is a long road back to trust, let alone
acceptance. We here are often told that this is a game. It is and thinking I
would not return left me wanting to go out with a bang. I know it is a hard
fact to swallow, but I would never hurt eIreland. My "joke" though
believed brilliant by me at the time was in very poor taste. Had I only stayed
on to defend my actions as entertainment I might have been able to show my lack
of malice. But alas I didn’t.

You mentioned that I co-wrote our Constitution, this is true.
I’ve been fighting in Ireland’s interest since the Romanian occupation and the First World War. I’ve tabled key internal and external defence policies, such as the Government Transparency Act and the Defence of the Republic Act.

I have returned during a time of amazing peace within Irish political life. I do not
wish to disrupt this. Though I may disagree with much I pledge to disagree in a
fashion that fosters debate and not discontent. As you said, it is up to
eIreland to decide. I have been callous and crass with many on occasion. I recognise
the folly of this. You showed me this morning that unbiased and honourable interactions are possible, even by the wronged. I offer my hand as a former political opponent. I offer my pledge that I shall use my experience as a community pool for all to draw from, not a sword.

I have only my own crimes left.

Brian Boru