Harrison Richardson: The President who robbed Fort Knox

Day 1,753, 03:06 Published in USA USA by Candor
The President who robbed Fort Knox.

Those of you oldfags who haven't read it ought to, it's a good read.

New players would give themselves a few months boost ahead to read it. Not because you'll care about HR, you probably won't. But because he gives good insight into the politics and games played at the highest levels of eUnited States Government.

Plus, to my knowledge, he's the only President of The eUnited States in history to steal the United States Treasury.

He robbed Fort Knox. He gave the Treasury away. And he was later re-elected President!

Read the story in his own words.

And if Franco is still alive somewhere, kudos to a truly epic read.

Written a couple of years back:

An Epic History of Harrison Richardson

Loves and kisses~