Hail friendship!Java e trete![eAlbanian MoFA]

Day 2,261, 05:46 Published in Albania Albania by AUTOCHTHONOUS ILLYRICUM

Dear friends and allies,in this article I will present the eAlbania's MoFA team work of the 3rd week of this term.But first of all I want to thank all our allies which were with us last night.We won this battle because of your high support.Thank you eUSA,eTurkey,eCroatia,eBosnia and Herzegovina,eBrazil,eChile,eMexico,eChina,eIndonesia,eUkraine,eItaly,eGermany,eNetherlands and every eCountry,ally of us,sorry if I forget someone to mention.I want to say thank you in eAlbanian's name to all those players and individes which came from ePoland,eSpain,eGreece,eIsrael,eRomania,eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM),eBulgaria,eCanada,eIreland,eFrance,eArgentina,eRussia and every single citizien from all eWorld which answered to our call.

We won a battle,more will came,we may win again,we may loose,it has it's own importance,but for me more important is showing friendship,respect,honour,love and have fun.You did it friends,you showed us what's friendship is,respcet,honour,your love,and I hope that you had fun on our side.
We can be a small eCountry,few soldiers in number,but we have great hearts,high moral,strong friendship principles,and we never forget who did something for us...When time will come,and you will call us,we will be there for each of you,with everything we have.

I want to ask apologize for something else,or better say I want to apologize with them which request supplies last night,but maybe a few didn't recieved.It may be my faul because I didn't see any request made by you,or bot's fault,which did not register any request for supplies,but anyway all those which requested and didn't have supplies,and fought with their own,please pm me to send tanks which you hit for us.
Thank you again friends,allies and bros.

Pershendetje motra,vellezer dhe i gjithe populli eShqiptar.
Kam kenaqesine dhe obligimin t'ju paraqes punen e javes se trete te Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme.

Pasi 20k cc jane kthyer nga Banka e Shqiperise ne thesarin e shtetit,dhe pas lirimit te territorit tone Tirane-s,nisja e Air-Strike,u be i mundur rinenshkrimi i disa MPP-ve.
Me Kroacine,Turqine,Bosnje dhe Hercegovine,Hollanden dhe Filipinet.
Sic thash edhe gjate javes se dyte,Hollanda shprehu deshiren e mire per te na paguar shumen qe kushton nenshkrimi i MPP-se,te njejten gje bene dhe Filipinet,por me nje ndryshim strategjik,pasi kan nisur nje Air-Strike ne serbi,dhe na bene nje ftese ti bashkoheshim planit te tyre,ku do te marrin pjese dhe aleate te tjere,prandaj qendroni ne gatishmeri ne luftrat e shumta qe kemi dhe do te kemi.

Fale punes se palodhshme te shume prej nesh,flas per personat ne qeveri dhe to jashte saj,u be i mundur organizimi per lirimin e territorit tone,sic e kam shprehur dhe ne nje artikull me heret per thirrjen per AS.
Pervec djemve tane nje rol kyc,si gjithmone kishin edhe aleatet tane te cilet kemi mbajtur kontakte qe vone me ta,per cdo rast,dhe ne luften e fundit kunder Malit te Zi,pata edhe ndihmen e MoD-se sone.

Fale nje nderhyrje te Bosnje Hercegovines,ne Air-Strike nuk hasem nje rezistence te forte,dhe qe nga mbreme kane filluar bisedimet me BiH dhe UAE,per nje marreveshje midis nesh,qe te mund te bashkejetojme te qete,pa asnje kercenim,dhe te kemi kongres per nje kohe te gjate.

Ambasadoret serish sikur javen e kaluar,nuk i kam prekur shume,por ato si cdo here vazhdojn punen e tyre n e "zyrat" personale,dhe her pas here me njoftojne per gjithcka me rendesi qe ndodh ne eVendet ku jane caktuar.
Keto dite pati miresine dhe deshiren ti bahskohej ambasadoreve AgainstWAR ,i cili u caktuar ambasador i eShqiperise ne eKanada.

Sa i perket aleancave te reja,Kroacia,nje nga aleatet me te mire qe kemi e hodhi hapin e pare duke propozuar MPP me Spanjen,e cila po kalon ne kongreset e te dyjave.Sic e dini ajo,me influencen qe ka i ka udhehequr me se shumti kontaktet dhe ne emrin tone dhe ate te BiH,por dhe ne nuk kemi ndenjur mbrapa,me disa kontakte,ku deri me tani japin shprese te mire per te ardhmen,dhe e riktheksoj,aleateve momentale i kemi paresore gjithmone,ti forcojme lidhjet se bashku.
Nje shenje e mire ishte numri i lojtareve eSpanjolle dhe ePolake te cilet erdhen mbreme e luftuan per ne.

Ju faleminderit te gjitheve per vemendjen.

Me respekt.
Stafi i MoFA-s.
zv.Ministrat: Hitman ALB,TwoHead EAGLE