Goodbye Paraguay & Bolivia!

Day 2,937, 23:27 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

In a nice turn of events Paraguay and Bolivia have both been removed from Norway after tireless efforts by Norway and her friends and allies. I think I speak for all Norwegians when I say thank you to everyone out there who spent COs, donated supplies and fought for us. We will not forget your contribution.

So what led to this turn of events?

Apparently Bolivia got confused and started fighting themselves.

And when Paraguay conquered Svalbard & Jan Mayen they found Norway's stash of Juleøl which we were saving for our Christmas celebrations this month which led to the Paraguay forces becoming drunk off their faces and unable to continue the fight.

The Shepherds Journal reached out to the office of the newly appointed Norwegian MoFA Quantum Carlos who was appointed by Norway's new Dictator for comment and received this statement.

"What, we won? But that wasn't the point of inviting Paraguay and Bolivia to Norway. Oh wait, are you writing this all down?"

He immediately hung up the phone but we will continue to press him for his take on the events.

As always don't forget to V,S,S,&E!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
Prince of Norway