Funny facts about the internet

Day 2,078, 19:00 Published in Norway Norway by Indigodavo95
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1.) About 1/3 of all internet searches are for pornography.

Experts have done special research on the topic and estimate that at least 65% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women. In addition, about 28,000 internet users are watching X rated videos at any given time.
2.) Over half of all the downloading and uploading online is file sharing that is often considered illegal.

Another rising portion of the overall bandwidth that will likely get bigger and bigger is from streaming video services such as Netflix and ViaPlay.

3.) The first message ever relayed over the internet was “LOG”

which was actually supposed to have been “LOGIN” but there was a huge crash and this difficult task couldn’t be completed for the time being. This was back in the 1960’s at the famous research university known as MIT.

4.) Although today webcams are used mainly for user-to-user interaction and often inappropriate endeavors, the first webcam was used to monitor a coffee pot

at Cambridge University. I guess they were working really hard and needed to know when a fresh pot was ready.

5.) Over 75% of all email messages are considered total spam.

It’s estimated that only about 6% of these annoying messages are actually opened. Hopefully it’s not a virus!

6.) About 15 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube from around the globe each minute.

After reading about this, I now know why the site typically has a limit of 10 minutes per video.

7.) Since the creation of the internet, file sharing has been a major issue for the authorities.

During 1989, McGill University discovered that its website was responsible for over half of the traffic going from America to Canada. It’s rumored that a decent portion of the traffic may have been nude pictures.

8.) The United States is actually in third place currently for the world’s most internet users.

Asia easily comes in first with about 36% while Europe is in second with 29% and the States get a disappointing bronze medal with 21%. On the other hand, Americans are #1 for the most people who use the internet and watch TV simultaneously and also easily get the gold for the most bloggers.

9.) About 1/6 of Earth’s total population enjoys surfing the internet at least once per month.

Many of the people who do not surf the internet, however, have noted that they would like to enjoy internet pictures and videos if they had the opportunity.

10.) Each day, about 20 million people “tweet”.

Internet experts speculate that over half of all tweets are based on controversial subjects.

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This is almost just a copy of "this".