Fun - Department Update

Day 2,488, 11:31 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury
Welcome to the first regular Status Update from me as the Director of the Fun Department. Check out the new site and our old faithful forum.

Anyway lets get started shall we, the first order of business is that CuppyCakeYums has resigned from SHIELD and as such is no longer my Deputy Director so I will be announcing his replacement before the end of the current Lucky Lotto contest on Friday the 19th.
The Graphics Extravaganza is still going strong and looking for more work. Jump on over to the forums and look at the post. Get graphics for as little as 1gold which all proceeds are donated to the party.

Due to popular demand the Super Jackpot Lucky Lotto has returned for an additional week. The winner last week was none other than former long term Fun Director dk3dknight! This there is another $400cc up for grabs!

After many many hours the new Federalist Party website is now up and running. There are a few more things needing to be worked on but for the most part it is complete. WookyJack, Evil Elvis, Molly Emma, Nick.Bergman, Leo.TheDamager, Kevin Sheridan and Myself have worked on all the aspects and I personally would like to thank each of them for their help in getting it finally done. Below is an example of how universal it actually is, we designed it to be Fully Responsive so that if your not at home but wanna check on it from your tablet or cellphone you easily can without having to zoom in!




Additional Options for Mobile
Naively available for the tablet but if using your cellphone simply turn it sideways and it will display the two sidebars as if you were using a tablet.

The left or Blue sidebar features all things Federalist Party including a graphic link to the forums. On top you will notice some icons that direct you to important places within the Federalist Party Network.

The right or Red sidebar is mainly for S.H.I.E.L.D. but does have a graphic link for the fed IRC channel. Additionally all Federalist Party Network links can accessed through the Links page but both IRC channels and the fed forums are also located under the Contact page.

Here is a universal look at the menu which is identical for both Tablets and Cellphones. Thanks to the Party being such an active space their are a lot of links in the menu.

.:: Come Visit the Site ::.

Additional Fun Department Links and News:

In addition to the new site I have taken time to update the S.H.I.E.L.D. wiki page and have plans to do some work on the Federalist Party wiki page as well.

Federalist Party Signature Bars
I have updated the misspelled bars and will be uploading the new ones here in time.

Additionally I am also working on some new S.H.I.E.L.D. signature bars that look like these:

Retired Signature Bars will also be coming as well 🙂

Director of the Fun Department
Federalist Congress Member

SHIELD Captain of Regiment 5
SHIELD Lead Graphics Artist

Member of the Cool Kids Club ( cKc )