Free Tanks to shoot Redcoats

Day 2,247, 14:18 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Its just the eUK but war is war afterall and one would assume it will keep the political elites off each others throats for awhile.

In bad timing of our war Tank prices are spiking globally. Have no fear though I made a small trip to Poland a couple days ago and had the good fortune of picking up 3000 Q7 tanks while they were at 15cc.

To counter the wipe Addy is already blaming on me in the govt cabinet thread as I have nothing to bring to the table in govt and to show off that the only military strategy I know in visa buying I'll be giving all those who post below 10 Q7 Tanks.

Canadians Only

I have to make sure I'm not made the govt scapegoat for this war Addy has assumed I started. I officially resigned my honorary advisor position like i already tried to do day 1 once I found out that clown Oinyo was in the cabinet.

Don't fight stupid and save your hits if the walls over 60%. Take no prisoners and take no Bullsh*t.

Lets beat them so bad they go crying to Spain and Poland again because were 3x the country they are on the battlefield even with a smaller population.

MDP members only section
I'm setting aside an initial 500 Q7 tanks for MDP members during wartime. This is a withdrawl from the MDP war fund that i have held in reserve. If you need some extra tanks shoot me a pm and you'll get 25.

Rich Bastards section
Taking donations for the war effort. I'm not govt affiliated and just an independent warmonger.